Stoopid American

“The liberals are going insane thinking Trump will end the world, but they never learned how government works...”

Nor could China survive long without the access to American markets.

I’ll give you one trillion reasons why there will not be any meaningful military conflict with China, not for these fake islands in the South China Sea, nor for Taiwan. There will be plenty of huffing and puffing, but China owns too much of American debt, China needs access to American markets too badly, and America

It’s back to 1970's proxy warfare all over again, but I’m damned if I can think of a better way. Arming Ukraine is of course the path we should take.

I won’t engage those who don’t like the “tone” of the author’s article. That is a matter of taste and political predilection, for which there is no point discussing.

And it didn’t occur to your CO that your report ought to spur some work on protecting those expensive Apaches beyond skeet shooting?

Not sure I agree there is no scenario where we’d refrain from nukes with NK. If they start the massive artillery bombardment of Seoul that they’ve been planning for years, it could literally kill millions of civilians. I could see a President authorizing tactical nukes to make the bloodshed end quicker.

Oh my gawsh I want one.