
The philosophy of the artwork relates to the idea of the sacred feminine.

Oh cool, white dude asking 100 women to pose nude for difficult-to-decipher performance peice about “the sacred feminine” for a bunch of people who are already too dense to give a shit about women. Thank you, smart arty man, for figuring out how to communicate for us! We should’ve just been holding up mirrors and

I was truly choked up when I discovered that I was playing a man who suffered a fatal injury while saving war orphans, and the only way to save him was to inject nanoparasites into his hand so that he could breathe. How unfortunate though that, instead of oxygen, the parasites breathe only the sweet scent of teenage

Hideo Kojima Gives an Update on His New Game

So in direct answer to my question: you know of 1 (kinda 2 if you read into it) Native Americans who are actually upset by this. But she speaks for all Native Americans though because she is offended?

So how many people of Native decent are actually up in arms over the naming of the American Wizardry School houses? Cultural appropriation itself not actually racist or oppressive. It can be used in racially oppressive ways but the act itself is not.

Completely agreed. I’m not even going to approach the whole Native-American-culture can of worms, but this doesn’t feel at all like America - it’s America as seen through the lens of a British person who assumes the rest of the world is like the one they personally know.

(So this is what it’s like for the rest of the

This is one of those times when the easy route of naming them Eagle, Bear, Puma and Wildcat would have been perfectly appropriate. If there’s one thing we Americans like more than naming things after dead Native Americans, it’s having cool wildlife mascots.

The whole thing feels ridiculously out-of-touch with anything remotely ‘American’, and just as with the ‘History of Magic’ thing, the parts that don’t sound foolish and/or offensive just sound like a British person who’s never left their island, or read all that many books, thinks America must be.

Native American here. These names are ok.

It has been an unpopular opinion when I’ve expressed it out loud, but I honestly think Rowling is torpedoing her franchise with every little new thing she puts out. Joined by others, of course.

They should have gone with

I agree. I generally don’t care for the content he makes, but the guy is definitely very respectable.

That’s like saying today’s rain made the ocean more wet, though. Kids today had no chance whether this guy makes videos or not

Retarded? Oh man then you must be right.

I’ve never watched a PewDiePie video in my life until now (and I still haven’t seen any of his gaming videos), but for a guy worth untold millions, he seems pretty grounded and down-to-earth.

Do people still play it?

This day and age when it comes to gaming, if there is any one thing that needs to be right. It’s little moments of splendor that can be shared and leave players and nonplayers alike with a smile on their face.

That’s pretty much everyone’s complaint about every character they don’t know how to counter in overwatch. My response is git gud

Overwatch is going to be a proverbial cornucopia of Highlight Reels! So many impressive and hilarious ones just from my own games.