
I know you’re just a kid trolling for attention, but I will make one point in response. Categorically dismissing ideas as “wrong” (without even lifting a brain cell to say why) isn’t the principled stand you seem to think it is. It’s straight up intellectual laziness. THAT is why Fox News’ ethos can be

People give blizzard a lot of crap sometimes, but Overwatch proves they are still world class. Just gotta keep adding content, and I’ll probably retire from TF2.

That isn’t really a comparison that can be made, Battleborn is a MOBA played in first person. Overwatch is an class based FPS(think Team Fortress 2). I prefer Overwatch, but I am not a fan of MOBAs.

I tried out the beta when it was available and had a hard time trying to wrap my head around this game’s visuals. Everything is just so colorful and busy that it makes distinguishing enemies out from the background difficult if they aren’t highlighted.

After playing nearly every single closed technical test, alpha, and beat available to me this entire generation, Overwatch may just be the pick of the litter. This is one of the most polished, balanced, absolutely fantastic betas I have ever played! I am having a blast. Blizzard knows whats up for sure. And

Same thing happened to me. Nothing grabbed me until I actually played it and got hooked on Reinhardt and Junkrat.

Man, I was playing with a bunch of friends last night, and I played the support Lucio when attacking. Somehow, ended up not dying once, and with a 25 player kill streak. I can now use the “tea time” spray for the rest of the beta, lol.

This! It’s mind-numbingly stupid the hoops some games put you through just to team up with friends. Overwatch has been a breath of fresh air.

But shes not support at all, shes very clearly defensive just as her role says.

Can I just say that I am really damn glad these kind of speedy “arena” type multiplayer games are seemingly making a small comeback between Overwatch and the new Doom’s multiplayer?

I’m not sure what you mean by slow, this is the fastest Doom-like I’ve played since the last time I was on Unreal tournament.

I will also be playing Overwatch. I was very eh about the game for the longest time and even watching hours of gameplay from different streams, it didn’t hook me. This is definitely a case where I had to play it and test some of the characters and find a fit for me. Hanzo is my primary because shooting a bow will


Pharah, all day and all night.

Overwatch beta has been amazing so far! Soon as I loaded it up me and my partner teamed up with no issue (it surprises me when games actually let you team up without any hinks) and had a perfect 70 fps when playing.

^ Actual in-game shot of my Winstoning in Overwatch

Aldrich had Nito’s lord soul, which is why their design is so similar. You can see him crawling out of Nito’s tomb in the starting trailer. Pontiff Sulyvahn become corrupted when he discovered the chaos flame and , like the witch of izalith , attempted to use it to create the first flame. He had imprisoned Aldrich and

there are overt tie ins because thats the entire point. Each game is the end of another cycle of the world. Its the SAME WORLD, just like a thousand years apart each time, right at the end of apocalypse.

One of the most tragic characters of DS1 becomes even more tragic in DS3 and Anor Londo told that story. All the feels for the Dark Sun.