I have to say it’s weird that you’re definitely real girlfriend from Canada is so invested in American politics.
I have to say it’s weird that you’re definitely real girlfriend from Canada is so invested in American politics.
Kudos for spending the night before bailing. “I regret that I have but one nut to bust for my country.”
Eric Bledsoe doesn’t seem to be familiar with Terry Rozier.
Literally my first thought. “Ren and Stimpy is great. The creator must be fucking weird though. Oh look.”
Remember folks: Never have a hero.
I’d be more surprised if the creator of Ren & Stimpy WASN’T a total creep.
Oh goddammit. I loved “Ren & Stimpy.”
It really seems like white people (on both sides) care more about this stupid shit than anyone else.
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
“-sen” family names are commonly found all over Scandinavia (except Finland, but they are kind of adopted), Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.
However “Nielsen” is considered Scandinavian. Her first name also follows a Scandinavian form. So it is all kinds of ironic and sad.
“Pence’s head would have exploded if only Pastor Franklin ended his sermon with this...
I would have paid CASH MONEY to see that.
Well, because they get away with it. They have been for decades.
For the life of me, I can’t not understand why GOP members think that they can act like “Holiday Christians” and offer a hand of fellowship for one day and use that same hand to hold us down for the other 364 days.
Pence’s head would have exploded if only Pastor Franklin ended his sermon with this...
That joke was exactly the same in English, the movie is very meta, and some of the best parts are the kid trying to convince Arnold he exists within a movie. People don’t give the script written by Shane Black enough credit, I appreciate that not only does it have a bunch of gags but also that it actually questions…
First, I’m glad this move was done. Like the Neeson article, though, probably the last person on the blame list here is Wahlberg. Those agents should be the focus here. I mean, it’s not even a competing agency that did this. Him and Williams are represented by the same company on the same movie and they did this.…
You had a good grampa, I see.
Well I’ll be goddamned. Good on you boys! Now keep it up.
See white folks, this is how you show yourself to be an ally. Take a stand, challenge your brethren and be willing to do something to make change happen. These cats have a uphill battle and I wish them all the luck and blessings.