
He can only orgasm with his own music playing 100% confirmed.

Eh. Assholes be assholes. In Austin we’re dealing with the deluge of people moving into “the live music capital of the world’s” downtown area and complaining so hard about said live music the city enacts noice ordinances that within a year cause some of the most cherished venues in the city to either relocate or close.

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

Dude, you’re a short ginger with a hipster beard and glasses. I think “non-threatening” went without saying.

/I kid, I kid...

Please promise you’ll try out our tricks!

Always stand on a pile on money.

I’m a smidge over 5'4". My wedding is coming up soon and all of my groomsmen are 6ft+. One is 6'5". My wedding photos are going to be hilarious. I imagine it will look something similar Tyrion hanging out with his family.

I’m only 5'8 and I have never even cared.

Looking at the contrast in color between the hand and the face, it appears he’ll fit right in:

Seriously, it’s gotten old how we keep rehashing this bullshit while GOP decides to push for tax cuts for millionaires.

This is a good take by Pelosi. Heaven Forefend, the Democrats might actually learn to keep their eyes on the prize! Great day in the morning — it’s like a full-size spare tire!

That’s the healthiest response to this story. Spicer’s departure has zero impact on politics or the House of Representatives.

If all politicians answered most questions with a truthful “i dont care” I’d respect them more.

Man, looks like they should have used some of that “extreme vetting” they like to talk about. Or like, maybe Googled this guy.

Tweet like no one is reading and archiving.

+1 Depends

Maybe watersports.

That’s not the way I learned it. You start with a city-state, then you clear out barbarians and send out colonists. Before you know it you’re developing nuclear weapons.