
It’s not what the Jags will do with the picks it is what the Rams would have done with the picks

The real wall was the friends we made along the way.

I’ve gone my entire life without buying one thing from amazon.  If only I could say the same for the rest of my family.  -.-  I’m all for kicking amazon to the curb. 

I don’t use amazon.

This is the final straw.

“Did anyone else pee a little when we hit that car?” “Just me?” “OK.”

Great episode. Also I love/hate the comedian guest star Powell, because he looks and acts so much like my friend from hometown 2 hours from Atlanta. Like when I saw the guy on Def Comedy Jam I had to text all the other hometown people, look at this guy he is the black twin on J- (who is white).

This was one of my favorite episodes of the show. I wasn’t focused on the title, just laughing at everything getting in the way of that haircut.

Man, I havent been in this much disagreement with a review in a while. I thought this was the best episode so far of the season. I think Atlanta can sometimes over-reach and go too broad, but by just focusing on something small and expanding it to ridiculous proportions, it felt specific and unforced in a way that

After a rewatch of the first season, I appreciate ‘Atlanta’ a lot more than initially. I thought tonight’s episode was great. Not to counter the reviewer’s opinion, but it worked for me. I kind of thought Alfred was a saint.

i can atest to NoOnesPost. i was in the UAW as a hotel worker in Ypsilanti.

Congratulations, folks.

Unions are the only way to save the middle class. Good for you guys and best of luck.

Good for you guys. Truly.

I find the whole “final text reveals the misogynist he was all along” reading to be much less ambiguous than the ending really is. I think the writer leaves room for that to be the case, sure, but I don’t think there’s any less room for interpretation here than, for instance, over any of his actions during the date.

Really great episode IMO, but man has Pamela been a real fing bitch in a few episodes this season. First with the date she was a total fucking asshole to in the parking lot and now with her brother. YIKES.

Extreme Prejudice: ownage, reasons for
1. Nolte looks like he's carved out of granite in this.
2. Best 80s cast imaginable: Nolte, Powers Boothe, Michael Fucking Ironside, etc., etc., etc.
3. The heist sequence in the middle and the shootout at the end are about as perfectly constructed as you can get, with everything