
Had it been a man he probably wouldn’t hesitate to point out that the other person was better suited to answer those questions. But he’d rather look like a fool than defer to a more knowledgeable colleague who happens to be a woman. And then blame her for it. SMH

So much this. My mother heads up a government department library - the number of times she is dismissed as a “librarian” while her male colleagues (who report to her) are referred to as “director” still astounds me. She though is entirely used to it - one colleague didn’t correct the politician who made the mistake,

Because women are not seen as professionals.

No black photographers either. In fact, ‘Middle East and Africa’ amount to four photographers: none black.

Nbecki you mean?

She should be a writer on... Jezz. Her closed style, limited internal moral compass where black people are concerned, her fixation on wine, and then her none apology are all trademarks of both the Jezz writers, but also 99% of Jezz commentariat.

Yes but what I don’t see is a 19 year old girl who is drunk and barely weighing 100lbs wandering a dark part of the hotel that was under remodeling by herself and no girl goes anywhere without her phone drinking or not. Second if she was drunk I could not see her able to lock herself in a freezer. I also read

This is one of the reasons America is so attractive for immigrants, picking up the cultural narratives are very simple. Any Euro-trash can come here and immediately elevate themselves above the negroes without even having to make an effort. They move on up by just moving a few thousand miles.

I want to live in that still. Diamonds on. Champagne in hand. Titties out.

Everything in the U.S. is a scam.

This feels like it’s simultaneously disrespecting the American flag and the Stankonia album cover and I don’t know which angers me more.

Throw a gun in there and you have a full on gang bang

Freedom of Religion these days means Freedom of Christian and Catholic religions to do whatever they want, and if you are neither Christian or Catholic, you are a terrorist or a leftist anarchist who want the government to crumble. Christian morals are the morals of the government, so if you do not follow those, then

Our overwhelming desire to avoid the Boogeyman of Sharia law has led down a rather ironic path.

Well, not really what you’re asking for but I love calling whites, European Americans. The look they give you is priceless.

I liked The Onion’s take on this:

Now playing

Now this was the geography song I remember as a kid. Interesting seeing how countries have come and gone in this old clip.

As a white dude, I’ve always been more than a little weirded out by the obvious parallels between the slave trade, and the buying and selling of (predominantly) black men to play a game to make some rich white dudes money.