He's done nothing to indicate that his attitude, views, or behavior have changed. An apology without genuine repentance isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
He's done nothing to indicate that his attitude, views, or behavior have changed. An apology without genuine repentance isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
Oh no, you guys, a horny millionaire is being moderately inconvenienced. Look at the horrors that cancel culture has wrought.
After three episodes, my opinion so far is the plotting decisions of this series are pretty terrible. Centering a show around Leia being kidnapped and Obi-Wan having to confront Vader while rescuing her is dumb because we know Leia is going to survive, we know Obi-Wan is going to survive, and we know Obi-Wan and…
Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.
He’s insanely rich because he started out ridiculously rich because of apartheid South Africa, I think you can guess
Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.
Famous Asshole: “Hey, look at this funny thing I found, 95 million followers.”
Authors can write about whatever they want to write about. Not every article on Kotaku is about games, just like not every article on Jalopnik and The Takeout are strictly about cars or food.
People seem to completely miss the point of all this. This isn’t so you grand kids can play Super Mario Bros, and be super unimpressed by it. It’s so the histories of your great great great grand kids can research the games that existed a hundred years ago, and preserve possible research of our lives and entertainment…
The bootlickers always reveal themselves.
Remember, its always, ALWAYS, good to pirate Nintendo games. They don’t want to sell them and they don’t respect them, why should I. So always jailbreak their shit and load it up with games they can’t take away. If they want to pretend those games didn't exist you can do your part so they are preserved somewhere.
You do realize they’re trying to shut down the jail-breaking and emulators, right?
“Commenter aims, but misses.”
This is neither shameless nor shoehorned. The game was quoted as the direct reason the family realized something was wrong. Settle down.
You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.
That sounds like a you problem
The hollowness of goto marketing guy’s statement is best shown by how one of the first reveals is a new game by David Cage, whose studio has faced absolutely zero complaints about conduct.
“Industry shill stops short of criticizing his source of wealth.”
They’re about games?