
If the company wanted to let you sell rare cards, they could just let you sell rare cards. Not like NFT has ever been necessary for that. Plenty of property and things have been bought and sold in games such as Second Life with cash and that came out 19 years ago, though I’m sure it’s existed far longer. E-mail and

Really? I’m unaware of any gaming environment that actively allows the removal of liquidity. Examples?

Because you can do all this already without NFTs. You’re adding complexity for zero added value, something that in any other industry would result in you getting your walking papers.

It’s interesting she keeps insisting of black people to “Educate me!” Apparently she’s not able to do her own homework. A cynical person might even think she has no interest in actually learning and only wants to portray herself as the aggrieved party in all this. But that can’t be it...right?

He’s got me when he says they didn’t know how to handle characters of color. I mean, Finn ultimately has no fucking character arc whatsoever. But he loses me when he criticizes TLJ and Rian Johnson while defending Abrams. Because Abrams, by being in charge of the beginning and end is ultimately responsible for the

Of course Kevin Hart stands by her, she literally threw the LGBT community under a bus for that dude

'What's so new about what you're saying?

Hey, at least you have Justin Beiber Norwood. ;P GEN X RULES! :D