Tom Allen

I think "complain to headquarters" was their ironic way of saying "start a revolution". Didn't The Doctor explicitly say at the end that that's what happened?

If you practice enough, you can learn to "touch type" — type without seeing the keys.

Maybe someone on Team Flash has read "Appointment in Samarra" (or watched the "Sherlock" episode that summarized it.)

Or like kissing your (not actual but sort of) sister. It's a Team Flash specialty.

It's like the ending of West Side Story, except Tony lives and everybody else in the cast dies.

Everybody's gotta have a hobby.

Plus he was groggy, probably hung over, and half naked (only half, alas). You try being heroic in such a condition.

That was such an awful line. In my head-canon, Jessie wasn't admiring the diamond, she was listening to Iris recite the ring's lengthy backstory, then having her explain the history of World War II to put it (and the plot of "Casablanca") in perspective.

"My name is Barry Allen.
I'm the fastest man alive.
I used to have two parents,
But they did not survive.
Now with my friends at STAR Labs
I fight metahuman crime.
And if I screw things up too much
I just run back in time."

I guess when Barry said, "Wally, you're out!" he really meant it.

He also tricked Griffin Grey into aging himself to death, which has always seemed particularly nasty.

It might be tricky for the Woman of Steel to have sex with a normal human without doing them major bodily damage. So at least Daxamites are good for something.

Or Jessica Walter. Maybe as Lena's aunt, Lucille B. Luthor.

I was hoping that Grodd the supergenius had faked falling for their incredibly inane "pretend to be dead" escape plan in order to, I don't know, telepathically spy on Cisco to see how he opened portals or something. Controlling Harrison's mind would have been an even better plan.

Winn and James have their Guardian LARP.

Her father's dead. Her mother's just too busy to return her calls.

I suppose since President Wonder Woman is actually a White Martian, she might be able to cover up some of that info. Or at least withhold it from the DEO.

Apparently Barry's now updating villains on his relationship status as well. Which seems like it might have a downside.

I suppose it makes sense that Holmes's birthday falls on Epiphany.

Maybe it was a secret twin. You know? A twin that nobody knows about? This whole thing could have been planned.