
“...many of Coates’ fans laced up their 5411s, smeared Vaseline on their faces and were ready to ride out...”

Okay, two things. 1) I don’t know what a 5411 is, and 2) I do not smear Vaseline on my face. I don’t know anybody who does. The hell?

I think Dr. West illustrates well the devolution into uselessness the word “neoliberal” has taken.

No one is really focused on West and the supposed “beef” with Coates but you.

I have said this before and will do so again. Cornel West is becoming the Charles Barkley - in the Old Man “Back in My Day” Take sense - of Black Intellectual thought.

Coates has never written in defense of the American empire. Please show your work.

West describes a neoliberal as -

I got a chance to listen to listen to West’s interview with The Root that will come out and a few days. I think it is within bounds for West to challenge Coates’ writings and philosophy in the name of intellectual discussion. I don’t have a problem with that’s. While I like Coates, I don’t think his writings are

Andrew Sullivan is a classic Republican in that his politics is only defined by how it affects him (and as a privileged white male, very little does). His hypocrisy and navel-gazing have rendered him impossible to read or to take seriously.

I’m pretty sick of Dr. West basically calling Coates and Obama neoliberal Uncle Toms. Also, fuck Andrew Sullivan for using “Between the World and Me” as an excuse to play the angry black man card.

I hate Bernie bros, but don’t confuse his proposals with the bozos who also supported him. Sanders gave BLM some room to speak. Clinton’s spoke rep/her husband called police/prison reform a vote for “Super predators”.

Never forget the Dr. West also calls Bill Maher his “brother.” He’s been looking funny in the light. His foolish rantings about Coates just smells a bit like jealousy. And now I’m pissed that Coates has been driven off Twitter.

West is salty at Obama because he wouldn’t talk about race and he’s salty at Coates because Coates talks about race too much. At what point does this become Old Man Contrarianism wrapped in a veneer of intellectual thought?

Sorry, Michael, TL;DR it all, but what I did read is upsetting to me. First of all, you repeatedly say (and I’m paraphrasing) that West’s insults on Coates’ writing seem personal and petty, and yet West also has a point?? No! West has no point but to keep himself relevant riding the media wave of Coates’ most recent

Maaan, this Negro pulled out the ultimate wypipo move;

Maybe if West has shown any sign that he read of Coates work, but so far Wests sole criticisms come down to Coates should talk about Capitalism more and he likes Obama too much. And Coates isn’t the first black intellectual West has started trying to shit on out of the blue.

He does use Brother and Sister a lot. Doesn’t take away the fact that he made a comment about the authenticity of Brother Trump and Brother Bernie and how both are better than Hillary. Doesn’t change that he caped for Jill Stein’s holocaust denying running mate.

Whenever he says Brother and Sister, it is in the most disingenuous way. He is out here for all the wrong reasons, and I gander this current episode is about how his book sales are paling in comparison to Mr. Coates’. #justsayin

Dr. West, Ima let you finish, once you come down from that oh so Ivory Tower at Harvard you are perched at, from where you talk down to Coates and everyone else who is a Black academic that is not named Cornel West. How on earth can he claim to be about what he says, when he is lecturing at the shiniest beacon of

I’m sorry for anyone still defending West, he shilled for Donald trump calling him Brother Trump. If you want to defend Captain Coon go ahead. He’s become a phony and worst of all a tool to be used by Fox News whenever they want to shame black folks.

Lord why must black people eat themselves? Almost every single time one of them makes it, you have countless others who can’t wait to start beefing with them if they are seen as not doing enough for their fellow black folks. As if black people didn’t face enough problems as it is, this shit just keeps us more divided