
Where the fuck was the club’s staff? There’s no way a performer should have to bob and weave for thirty seconds before someone, I think from the audience, puts a stop to it, and the fact that he wasn’t immediately physically thrown outside is an extra pile of horse shit.

Neither Grace nor Ansari come off well in Grace’s account, in my opinion. If Grace hadn’t hopped onto that kitchen counter (or, if he lifted her onto it, had simply hopped right back off), or if she had simply said “No!” firmly when he started undressing her, that would have ended things.


Yes, the situation read as ambiguous to me. Here’s the thing, I can believe that Grace felt violated & believe Aziz is an asshole, but not a criminal.

What bothers me as women we can’t say treat me the same , which is absolutely right and then in the next breath act we have no agency or control. Non-verbal clues? No one is coming to save us, we have to speak up and take control when we can.

A lot of this conversation has revolved around Ansari’s inability or refusal to read nonverbal cues. It seems we’ve evolved from “No means no” to “Why should I even have to say no?” which seems like a doorway to a LOT of situations like this. But whaever.

Here’s my two cents. I know too many women like this and I don’t mean that in a sexual context. I mean women who think that their “nonverbal cues” are clear when they aren’t. I mean women who suck at boundary setting. I know them because I’ve seen them in my workplace, my church, my family, my neighborhood. They

My biggest issue with the Ansari story is that it’s being painted by people as a 2nd/3rd wave vs. 4th wave issue. I would argue a lot of people kind of fall in the middle. I don’t agree with a lot of the 4th wave crowd saying this is definitely assault but I also disagree with the condescending tones of the Atlantic

What is the standard for writing an article accusing someone of sexual violence? Do they require multiple incidents? Must the accuser have told the person no? Must there be a pattern of statements and behavior that implies the possibility of sexual violence? At present the minimum is that the figure is notable, better

Are we allowed to believe Grace was not a victim?

“It’s OK to feel unsure if what Grace described as the worst night of her life doesn’t neatly match with your understanding of assault.”

Huh? By her own accounts she never said “No”, unless I missed something, which is very possible. I do recall her saying she did not want to be made to feel uncomfortable, which is a very odd saying. Aziz is guilty of being a little pushier than he should have been. However, he held no power over her, he did not

I am a woman, and common sense, regardless to my gender tells me that the woman accusing Aziz Ansari of “violating” her is straight out lying.

So... I have read the description of events and in this particular case why are we treating this woman as if she is just an inanimate object?

Cannot roll with folks at BABE. This was a bad date, Period. I have zero sympathy for the chica. Remember, men can only do what you let them do absent force and intimidation. She needs to have a conversation with herself not seek the sympathy of the me to movement

I’ll throw in my two cents as A Woman™... Aziz is definitely playing this the right way, first by apologizing directly to her text, releasing the statement and then keeping his head down to let women have this important cultural conversation. I don’t think his actions constitute sexual assault or misconduct, but it’s

No, I understand where the anger is, absolutely, and I’m not saying it’s not valid. I just, personally, thought after reading this that he is a pushy, horny guy who can’t (or maybe won’t) pick up on when a girl is uncomfortable, and thinks that, even thought she had told him she wasn’t completely into to it, by

Oh man. I’m sort of with you here. I don’t know. I understand she was in a position where she didn’t want to offend him, and as a woman we’ve all been there......but after a certain point, you have to speak up for yourself, especially since, going by the article, she didn’t feel physically threatened. You can’t just

“I used several non-verbal queues”???

Seal, please shut the fuck up. The reason why there are so many incriminating photos of celebrities palling around with Weinstein was because he was a virus who ingratiated himself with anyone who had influence. And I find it a tad sexist that only women are being criticized with their associations with known male