
I don’t care about the details. I wasn’t there. My certainty of his guilt depends entirely on being a Giants fan.

I believe she was abused. But I can’t tell you how often because she completely destroyed her own case & credibility.

“What are you doing? What is that? I recognize that. What is that?”

Its not that she is crazy. Its that there are literally no witnesses to the events who corroborate what she says, many even contradict it, medical experts cant determine if the bruises matches the time frame she gives for when Elliot hit her, she made attempts to extort, blackmail and bring in false witnesses, and

Just to clarify, are you asking me if I believe that during the 4 incidents that on at least 1 of them Elliot grabbed, pushed, shoved, hit, smacked, or otherwise used physical force? About 55%.

So let me see if I’ve got this right: he PROBABLY did something to her, but the NFL’s investigator couldn’t find hard evidence and Thompson’s story was contradictory (to say nothing of the evidence that she probably was trying to cash in on being with Elliot), so they recommend that he not be suspended due to lack of

That and they are fucking terrible at it.

This is some really thorough reporting to drop at 8am.
Deadspin Up All Night indeed.

I think Drew mentioned this on the podcast, but why is the NFL even in the judicial business? Let the teams decide whether to hire or fire their employees, and let the teams take the heat for employing someone if he has (or has not) done something unacceptable.

Between the legal issues and the half shirts I’m pretty sure he’s a time traveler from the 87 Hurricanes.

I grew up with parents who were for all intents and purposes divorced but lived together for financial reasons. And they constantly bad mouthed each other to me and my sister. Asking us to pick sides. Having a meal with one while the other is sitting in the living room or in their room unwelcome and feeling like

People who have sex in restuarant bathrooms or other places used by the public are inconsiderate and insufferable pricks and that’s saying the absolute least. 

Look, I know I’ve said this a number of times but if you’re having trouble with texting, sexing, and urges in general, DOWN. LOAD. A. DATING. APP. Give it a freaking whirl. You don’t have to meet up with anyone, let alone fuck a stranger! It’s just a great way to deal with the dwelling and redirect those texting

As with most things on the internet, people just say it because everyone else is saying it. If pressed, most people wouldn’t even be able to formulate a convincing argument of why Suicide Squad is so much worse than Thor: The Dark World or Batman & Robin.

When does she remove her mask to reveal that she was Stacey Dash all along?

I agree with Steele. Its like I can’t get a break from the rampant racism and idiocy I unleashed when I voted for Trump. I wish we could go back to a simpler time, like 8 months ago, when that radical muslim commie was in office.

I’m kind of surprised that other people are surprised.

Unless one of the awards was Best Feminist, I’m confused as to the exact nature of his public deceit. JFK sent us to the Moon between his womanizing.

Not surprised by his infidelity despite calling himself a feminist.

I did not like how they did this at all. First, when Dre talked about why Black people tend to be Christian and talked about slavery, not once did he mention that the religion was initially FORCED upon enslaved Africans. He implied that they chose it to give themselves hope. Second, I hate that being atheist was