
“His disrespect for our country” It’s disrespect for the parts of the country that are unacceptable to any person of colour. Why don’t you feel outrage for the things he’s talking about, instead of just how he’s talking about them?

Then speak for yourself and not for the troops who died for this country, AND its freedom to speak about what you believe in.

Black folks are speaking for themselves, and they don’t all agree. Neither do the troops. Only, black folks are speaking for themselves, while you’re trying to speak for The Troops. That’s why your fire-ass hot take is garbage.

The Troops! Oh, The Troops. Who serve this country so that there can be only the correct forms of protest as sanctioned by The Troops. Who serve this country so that they can be used as political pawns anytime someone does anything other than hold a pep rally for America. Who serve this country so that ignorant people

Using veterans as a reason to be upset by a citizen’s completely legal protest is a copout. The purpose of protest is to make people uncomfortable. The ugly truth is that this country was built in spite of and purposefully against black people in particular. I think his protest is justified, especially if it means we

“Liberals: “Conservatives are nuts, liberals would never repress anyone’s free speech.”

Speaking as a veteran, this whole thing has fuck-all to do with veterans, and the people saying we’re being somehow “disrespected” by Kaepernick’s actions are full of shit.

I’m just so THANKFUL we have all of these enlightened white men around so they can inform everyone how to actually make a political statement. We should let them continue to lead the way for civil rights movements.

Conservatives: “This country is so PC no one can speak their mind!”

Sure, it saves a few “lives” but it *appears* inappropriate!

Your article would be better with actual evidence to support your claims. As it is, it's just a hatchet job.

Counterpoint: No.

Gimme a fucking break

“When will I receive the attention I’m due?!” Taylor bemoaned as, exhausted from her bawling, she drifted away to sleep on her enormous pile of cold, hard cash.

Add to this baseball’s obsession with camo uniforms and endless military worship with religious overtones on Memorial Day, July 4, Mondays (looking at you you, Mets), Sundays (the minor league teams in NYC), or any day at all, really - do I really have to stand for God Bless America when I have no belief in a god? And

I am so sick of sporting events doubling as military propaganda. We don’t need military flyovers. We don’t need to salute veterans every game. We don’t need these absurd reunions with returning soldiers. We don’t even need the national anthem before every game. Enough is enough with this bullshit.

Yeah, those sites probably went with the right headlines.

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

I don’t think it can be pointed out often enough the degree to which the NFL, in actuality, does not give a shit about the military but uses the partnership for 1) profit and 2) so that all the military nomenclature that is shit out the mouths of the Bucks and Nantzes of the world of a thin veneer of support from the