
I love how you’re comparing your athletic experience to one of the top wide receivers in the NFL. Obj has so much to learn from you.

It’s like different people react differently to different things! Jot this down scientist.

At what point do we stop policing the reactions of highly emotional people playing a gladiator sport?

A fitting end to my fantasy season.

Pagilia is a professional troll who long turned her back on feminism. Can’t believe she still has a public forum for her famous contrarian views.

It’s safe? Cool. Let them run it across your land.

A student organization that features heavy drinking!?!? Must be an outlier.

And I thought sandy hook truthers were dumbest fucking assholes in the world. Thanks Andrew for lowering the bar.

Jezebel - stop promoting this woman. She is at selfish and self serving as the Donald.

No his tax returns would not be subject to foia

Bullshit. The Republicans picked Trump because he was openly racist. That is how he got out of the primary. That is what separated him from his competitors. And guess what? The Republican party has been the party of white resentment for 35 years. This isn’t new. The only thing new is how explicit Trump was willing to

Trump’s first act as President will be to pardon himself for all his crimes.

The Republican party is the party of racism and has been since the 60s. He won the Republican nomination bc he was the most openly racist.

I don’t think most Trump supporters are white supremacists. But it would be a lie to say Trump didn’t run a racially divisive campaign and some of the top people he picked to be in his cabinet have a history of promoting divisive immigration and voting laws. To ignore that is to ignore reality.

Facts don’t matter. Only optics and feelings.

Good luck with Trump. Hope yo’re happy sticking it to coastal liberals during the next recession.

When black people nominate a President he is one of the most articulate orators in American political history. When white people nominate a President he has trouble stringing multiple sentences together. Lol. White privilege.

Be a woman accused of evil dumb shit we all must assume she is guilty of because reasons.

You’rebeing willfully ignorant.

People are voting for a person for President who can’t be trusted with a Twitter account. Unbelievable.