
Sorry but if a painting has racist images on it its not art - its racism

I am trying to wrap my head around a bunch of neo-neocons telling people that they’re nostalgic for a band that won an AMA for a song about tweakers descending into meth addiction, and whose other big hits were (i) about a gay man committing suicide because he’s not accepted for who he is, and (ii) what a pain in the


How stupid are the fans and people running this shitshow that they expected a band that told Romney to fuck off because of his milquetoast conservatism would be happy to perform for this crowd without making a scene?

Jenkins also reportedly asked the crowd to “raise your hand if you believe in science,” to which they responded with boos. Nice!

Bad news— 90s rich kid liberal stoners are now Republicans.

This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.


The majority are, in fact, not ‘brilliant’. They’re above average intelligence people who are good at memorization and reasonably good at deduction. That’s it.

“I like using words without knowing their meaning!!”

Yes, Harold. This is literally facism.*

Then you don’t need to be on Twitter.

It’s endlessly amusing to me that, after Jezebel, the regular Deadspin commenters are the most with-it.

Right, but a pic of a breastfeeding mom violates the terms. *facepalm*

Seriously I do not understand and probably will never understand this. Twitter and Facebook are not governmental venues, they are not subject to the first amendment, and they do not have to tolerate hate speech. But they choose to do so.


I left Facebook actually reluctantly and I honestly think my life is better without it. I live away from friends and family and I thought Facebook was keeping me connected to them but it wasn’t. Now I have to make an effort to call, text or email those friends I care about andthat actually connects me more to them

Why are they doing this to her???????? Just because she is a black woman who is in Ghostbusters????? I don’t understand. Who are these people?????????? It scares me to think that I could know one of them and not know it.

“My outrage has a wide range.” Love that. Fuck Twitter and all these stupid social media companies that don’t do ANYTHING of value to protect users and keep the streams of vile shit off of their platforms.

I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.