
Isn’t this victim blaming?

On the other hand.. she put him on blast as a woman beater and other horrible acts.. and then she asked have the charges dropped and asked him for a NDA. He won and his name is still tarnished so he’s yelling out loudly to say fuck you to her. He could go quietly, but she didn’t wasn’t quiet with those accusations so,

I think there is no way for Taylor to win here. She should just let it go and maybe next week everyone will forget about it.

That’s what I’m thinking (#2). They did the math and consulted a legal team and decided you know what, fuck this broad. PLUS it will sully Taylor’s image even MORE if she decides to pursue this legally. She’ll look like a whiny broad.

Even if TS sues, she would not be claiming to be the victim of a lie, only to be caught in it. (I am assuming basing all her outrage on “he called me a bitch!” isn’t going to fly.). Not something she wants to dwell on for who knows how many media cycles, I would think.

I think her business acumen and control of her image must be super appealing to someone so consistently misunderstood. Kanye lacks control, Kim has it in spades. They are a match made in a focus group and it’s been a pleasure to watch it unfold.

I loved, loved this episode the aftershow that was Kim’s snapchat, the twitter party All this is so beautiful and so scary.The kardashian really used all their weapons aginst Taylor, tv show, twitter, snapchat, I’d be scared if I was their enemy.

I don’t know why I’m still shocked when when people are so unobservant as to take the time to post about something they think they are above, and trash it, showing that they aren’t above it, and outing themselves as hating themselves.

I have to admit.. the amount of planning, filming, and time that went into the Taylor Swift take down is impressive.

Because it’s the games fault that a guy went outside and shot at innocent people because he heard a few words that they were saying.

From their perspective, his story, some guy with a gun suddenly appeared and was mugging them.

Even if he had clearly and correctly heard them saying “did you get anything?” he was not right to draw on them.

I know this is just going to be used as another excuse for people to dogpile on and repeat gun control memes, but even so this guy is flatly in the wrong for apparently going in front of somebody’s car and brandishing on them and giving them orders.

If you are in your car late at night and some lunatic points a handgun at you and says don’t move are you going to hang around? I’m going to punch it. I’m not going to try and hit the guy because I want to get the hell out of there.

Whoa! Even if those kids had accelerated at him before speeding away, if he was shooting at their car as they sped away, that’s attempted murder. You can’t shoot people in the back as they flee, no matter what they might have done before. That’s well established law.

This should have been the header picture:

There is no allegation that the players trespassed. Even in the homeowner’s account, they were parked on the street. At which point he pointed his gun at them. The homeowner is entirely in the wrong here, even if the kids tried to run him over (which they had every right to do at that point).

if they were parked in the street then that is not his property, the road is public property and they have the right to park there if they want.

So he shot at people who just happened to be parked in front of his house.... So why should people have guns again? They weren’t even on his property and he started open firing at people. Funny how two people were together, they were parked, they weren’t playing while driving, they were aware of their surroundings,

Classic mistake, bringing a Poké ball to a gunfight.