
You don’t, he and those kids were always getting into self created problems; and I have it on good authority that he and his wife are super into lesbian scat porn, and probably cuckoldry too.

I guess you have plenty of time to bicker on Twitter when you haven’t worked since 2014. (According to IMDB - I was shocked to learn he’d done anything that recently.)

I always reassure myself by thinking “No one is even paying attention to you. No one cares what you look like.” Then I see something like this.

This woman just kept A LOT of women who were insecure about their bodies from setting foot in a gym. She has been valued for her looks for so long, she probably has no idea that she made real someone’s worst nightmare. Exercising in public when you have body image issues is hard enough. Thanks for making it so much

Yeah, they do...but I suspect she’s just not a good person, period.

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

Another high school mean girl, soon will be whining that people are being mean to her.

Yeah he did.

But she claims she was hurt that he said he didn’t think they would work together on music and that’s why she broke up with him. She wanted it to be a secret or she wouldn’t have used a fake name. So she’s lying to make him look bad.

At the time it was modest, but to come out about it now is clearly to make it seem like he wasn’t giving her credit at the time (and he’s implying that wasn’t the case)

They should have just started beating up other country’s supporters instead. They would have been praised and received raises. Then been lavishly toasted in Moscow.

Why is anyone mad at this?

I’d rather see the full uniform than that stupid crying face meme.

Could he sound more like a white basketball fan from Boston who came of age during the Bird-McHale-Ainge era?

Ugh, he sounds like the type of person who sucks all the oxygen out of a room. Like when they’re great, they’re amazing but when they’re off it’s the wooooooorst.

Doesn’t surprise me, because of this quote in Jennifer’s Vanity Fair interview earlier this year:

The guy was arrested on weapons charges in 2007. But easy access to guns totally isn’t the problem, right?

I read that quote and while I get what he was saying, I just couldn’t help but notice that the woman the guy chased down the street, dragged into his car at gunpoint, and then when she jumped out, ran her down like a dog and put a bullet in her head doesn’t even get a mention?

I mean the wife part, sure, makes total sense...

‘“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.’