
Because, in many cases, they have significantly less intelligence and cognitive abilities than average people (though maybe not their fans). They do work with their bodies not their brains, they simply lack the skills needed to make sound reasoned decisions about many aspects of life.

They probably also feel more open being overtly political when their boss in the UFC is a conspiratorial loon. Most commissioners/presidents of sports leagues are button down business types obsessed with PR. Not that Dana White isn’t a profit seeking branding asshole himself

Violence as fun and sport is a pretty dodgy concept.

Looking at some of those foreheads, I’m gonna go ahead and say steroids may have an impact.

So the article is literally all about the racial disparity in arrests for underage consumption, though? Let’s review:

It’s about the consequences.

Wowwwwwwwww, it’s almost as if pot legalization was a libertarian red herring that didn’t have any actual effect on disproportionate arrests of people of color, who could have guessssssssed

Well weed might be legal, but being brown/black still isn’t.


The police hat been dispatched to this home three times for suicide attempts. And they keep the guns?

Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.

Yes, we can apply it to a lot of things. “Everyone is a responsible banana eater until suddenly they aren’t.”

I’m not American, but my country uses exclusively “objective” standards to determine who gets to go to college. Most Chileans have a similar skin color so we don’t have that kind of social divide, but class and income are a big deal. Our standardized tests overwhelmingly benefit rich kids - because they go to private

This whole piece, and especially that quote, really struck a chord with me. I grew up in a working class family and attended an elementary school in a predominately black and Latino neighborhood in Los Angeles. I earned a scholarship for all four years to a prestigious, private all girls high school. During my time

Those things can’t be measured as objectively as you believe. My high school didn’t offer a single AP class and the district had a policy that prevented anyone from having over a 4.0. There would be no way for any of us to compete with the people doing extra AP classes during the summer to get those 4.9 gpas. The test

Meh. It’s a bad (as in, unfunny) joke, but I’m not entirely sure the outrage is justified.

I don’t know it always struck me as a perverse narcissistic self love. She loved her children the same way Trump loves his.