
I’m not sure I understand why anyone would view this is as an attack on Swift (assuming it’s actually Harris posting). He doesn’t come off as bitter or angry, and other than saying she controlled the media perception of their relationship (which, duh, controlling media perception of her image is one of her greatest

Unfortunately for Calvin, Taylor stole a personal item of his before the breakup, and now she will be marshaling the members of her coven to cast to spell to make him go blind.

I know that everyone is going be all QUEEN TAYLOR, which *sideeye*

Seems like she just gets guys, uses them for a bit, dumps them, makes a song about them, makes millions, and gains fans. Pretty ingenious.

Anyone who votes third party (apparently forgot the year 2000) ought to do some research into the state of the State of Maine.

I would respectfully suggest that understanding that nothing posted online is ever private is a more vital life skill than knowing how to correctly spell Ta-Nehisi Coates.

You know, if it were just teachers making sarcastic, exasperated remarks and blowing off steam, I would think nothing of it. But to refer to children as fucking idiots and hope they fail—while being part of the group that can actually make that happen—goes too far. I had a teacher who had it out for in 7th grade and

Trump is not a short-term sacrifice. Trump is an extinction-level event.

The Guardian had a great write-up of how immigration fear was the biggest driver of “Leave,” not immigration; in neighborhoods with large percentages of recent immigrants, the majority of British voters voted “Remain.”

Honestly, it won’t. I still don’t understand how anyone could miss an opportunity to cancel out a nazi’s vote though. Every vote for Clinton, like her or not, nullifies some backwoods klan sympathizers vote, and I can’t wait to flex that muscle.

If you want real change to happen, I don’t think the place to start is at the top of the ticket in a presidential election year. Third parties should be building at the local and state levels to create active and vibrant political parties and the aparati necessary to win and govern there. Once they start doing that

When we started to enforce Prohibition, there were people who supported Prohibition that were shocked and surprised to learn that beer and wine were illegal in addition to hard liquor.

They were promised that they would not have to give any more money to the EU and that money would got back into the health services or something. The people in charge of the Brexit failed to mention to them that the EU probably would be pretty pissed off and break off all the benefits that they had been enjoying

Representative democracy such as a Parliament or Congress (with a side helping of executive cabinets or departments) who can at least have a hearing on the matter to review all arguments before they act. They can still screw it up, but it gives slightly better odds than leaving it to the public. We would never get a

My feelings on Scottish independence have done a complete 180 in the last 12 hours, which may be the fastest reversal I’ve ever managed.

Any person foolish enough to throw away their vote in such a way and be potentially complicit in the election of a crypto-fascist was never a real progressive. Just an angry and stubborn person looking for easy solutions to difficult questions. I’ve been a Bernie supporter since he announced, but you can bet your ass

I like Stein and if my voting for her had any realistic chance of helping her become president, I would. But it doesn’t. She’s going to lose. The only two people who have a shot are Clinton and Trump, and I’m going to vote for the one who isn’t insane, even if she’s not my top pick.

Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.

It appears that a bunch of Brexiters are under the impression that this vote won’t actually have real consequences on EU citizens living in the UK. The comments on Sadiq Khan’s FB post are eye opening:…

A nice illustration of why this form of direct democracy isn’t a good idea, and why I have a hard time taking populist political platforms seriously.