
But what if... Listen, choice is pretty simple. It doesn’t require all these what ifs. It means that you, Adam, Eve, John, Jane, and Curly Doe can have all of the opinions you want about a medical procedure known as abortion. You can’t, however, apply your moral codes to someone else. That’s it.

That means, the same

If they honestly believe it to be murder, they can oh-so-helpfully choose to abstain from having a medical procedure known as abortion. There is no room for caveats. Be responsible for yourself. Make your own life decisions. Create your own moral codes. Live by them.

But don’t get in the way of my reproductive rights.

You can’t call yourself a feminist then say a woman doesn’t have a right to choose what to do with her body. It’s like people who say they are socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. You cannot support one without the other.

“If it’s extremely difficult for you to reconcile your party’s platform with one of the most basic parts of your physical and mental identity...”

“It’s fine to talk about how it is hard to be a Republican and a woman—it certainly is.”

You do realize that Nowitzki averages about the same amount of rebounds a game as Curry? Basically he’s a shooting guard that gets off his shot because he’s tall. Maybe the answer is if you have the two best shooters in the league already and they are cold, instead of getting another shooter, maybe get a player that

I used to get up early on Saturday mornings to watch Cartoons—way before my parents would wake up. As I recall the earliest show was Mighty Mouse, and then it went on all morning long. I don’t think my mom would plan anything before noon on Saturdays because it would cut into cartoon time.

I know I’ve posted it before, but....

The burrito photo looks like Bigfoot wandering around in the woods.

the episode was so good. i want to have sex with it.

Trump bans the press members that dare disagree with him, then say press members that don’t fall in line would be banned from the White House. Then he attacks newspapers that disagree with him and say he would investigate them under antitrust laws.

National pride. Putin’s dick swinging has pretty much tanked his economy, so national pride is pretty much all he has to base his political power on.

Exactly, Wales is strong like bull.

The hooligans belong to a new branch of the Russian military called The Redneck Army.

You sort of get the feeling Putins Russia is a scary look at what the US would look like under Trumps brand of politics. The country would be a failing embarrassment by all economic and societal measures but he could a lot of people to ignore that and take nationalistic pride through bullying and intimidation tactics.

...did you even read the last paragraph?

Fuck Russia.

Slow clap for the security guards in Saint-Etienne who allowed explosives and flares into the stadium. Good job, fellas!

It’s crazy that Argentina will only get two days rest after their quarterfinal.

What do you want him to say exactly? If he says he’s hurting, he’d get made fun of. If he doesn’t, this happens. It’s a no-win situation.