
You’re right that many men of color and women (of all colors) speak this way. Its a bad habit and we should move away from it. I think this is also the difference between people who persuade for a living (lawyers) and people who don’t. Its simply more persuasive when you eliminate the “I feel” language.

It doesn’t “mean” anything. Words have multiple meanings. “Becky” can mean something to your friends and something completely different to a different group of people. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

This entire Becky debate is stupid. Words have different meanings depending on the context.

I know this article is supposed to be “hatey” and tongue in cheek, but its hard to argue that two teams meeting in the semifinals of a continental tournament are butt.

Could prince’s death bring back music videos to MTV? If not, how about Justin Bieber?

well. this is a university that punishes students for kissing. I think they should at the very least investigate if one of their students rapes someone.

You can’t get sent to the honor code office for reporting sexual assault. However if in your report of sexual assault you admit to drinking or being out past curfew or to consensual touching (like kissing) than you can be reported to the honor code office for violations of the honor code. So its not the act of

I never used the term “cracka-ass honkey” before. The joke is either - typical of their humor, which is alarming for all of them. Or completley out of the blue, which means its just alarming for him. This type of casual racism is indicative of something more, even if most white people refuse to see it. If the

Listen white people. The guy wasn’t trying to be “edgy” by being racist. He is simply a racist. He holds negative opinions about black people. There is nothing “edgy” about it. Jesus.

She comes off as unprofessional and petty. So... yay?!?!

There is another alternative. They could choose not to place any restrictions on behavior he is legally allowed to engage in until he has been prosecuted and sentenced.

I’m not defending Montee Ball, but I will never understand the bond/probation/parole restrictions that require drug addicts and alcoholics not to drink. Do we really want to be jailing people for legal activities? I’m not saying Montee Ball is a drunk (although...) it just doesn’t make a lot of sense to arrest people

I got to stick up for Phoenix. Its big, its cheap, you don’t ever have to say hi to a stranger if you don’t want - the women are beautiful, you can wear shorts 12 out of 12 months a year, the best Mexican food in the United States, and I live here. So there.

Jesus. You guys are such insulated hipsters. You don’t even realize it.

What utter bullshit of a post. Its clearly in reference to people who are going to hold out of voting in 2016 because they can’t get Bernie.

Yes, but some 12 year olds don’t know the concept of boundaries. Punishing them with law enforcement seems like a gigantic waste of resources and will likely haunt this girl for ever. The punishment does not fit the crime.

We should not charge children with adult crimes. This is a teaching moment. Not a jailable moment.

What she is describing isn’t sexual harassment.

Well he’s a canadian so... ask our brothers to the north.

I can’t wait to relive Marissa’s death again and again!