
Arizona makes the tournament every year, has three 5 star recruits coming in, has been to the elite 8 like 3 times in the past 5 years, has a national championship, a slew of NBA players, 3 lottery picks in the last 4 years and never gets colder than 60 degrees. Pitt is only a better job to people who have never left

The ad is not indecent... However, those women really need to lose some weight.

A different view - fuck that kid.

Are you claiming that all the actors in porn are drugged and trafficked? What kind of porn are you looking at? Seriously, what is the url?

No he shouldn’t have told her anything (I’m responding to the headline). This is hip hop. You don’t ask permission before saying what you mean.

The weird thing is all this racist fervor is kicking in at a time when crime rates are dropping, pregnancy rates are dropping, affirmative action has disappeared, taxes are low, welfare rolls have disappeared - yet black people are still being scapegoated. Rural white Americans - it is not our fault your lives suck.

So that explains why Tamir Rice was shot dead within 2 seconds of the police showing up? That explains why Sandra Bland died in police custody? BLM is about holding police accountable for clear wrongdoings. You don’t want to address those wrongdoings. You want to deflect. I understand your bullshit and I keep on

Its crazy that someone would disagree with a movement asking for more accountability from cops who kill black people but carry on...

Bowles should sue and this scumbag Butch Jones should be immediately fired. Time to start making examples of these friggin head coaches who enable this creepy shit. This is fucked up beyond belief.

The greed machine, aka wall street, are fraud saints, conning middle America with their dishonesty campaign that can only be discovered by true arrogance detectives.

This is perhaps the dumbest criticism of a candidate I’ve seen to date. Good job.

Lol. So the fact that Jindal has been governor since 2008 - no big deal. The fact that when he saw revenue decreasing and refused to raise taxes - no big deal. The Republican didn’t just follow through on her plan. They doubled down on it. And when they saw it wasn’t working they doubled down again. You guys are

So all the years Jindal ran the place in the ground is just a blip on the screen to you? And the fact that Jindal refused to change course when his plan wasn’t working - meaningless. And the fact that the previous governor screwed it up b/c she cut taxes too much, indeed she accepted Republican framing, nothing.

Some people like the show, some people don’t. Dog bites man, news at 11.

He is why I stopped listening to that podcast

The life cycle of black music -

Why does anyone care if Steve Harvey is a good guy or not? I mean, besides the wackos who buy his books.

Its a state issue. They just recently asked the Feds to get involved.

“While experts have said the water is fine for bathing, residents still aren’t advised to drink it.”

Yeah Las Vegas was really the downfall. It was just a amateur porn shoot.