
Please take your erotic fiction somewhere else, thanks!

Nothing new. Swaggering mouth pieces when in a group, sniveling silent pansies when alone.

Nazis are always in groups. Alone, one of them wouldn’t even take in a five year old girl. Cowardice is their trademark.

Unlike when Trump says it that’s actually plausible in this case. It absolutely fits within the mentality and history of behavior from groups like the Proud Boys to do something like that for attention and to rile up their little neo-fascist foot soldiers. It makes the establishment Republicans more sympathetic to

This meme is classic fascist propaganda. The “gamification factor” is nothing but marketing to spread the idea of Nazi-style untermenschen to gamers. Some humans are really human, and some are “animals” driven by automatic urges or irrational monstrosity. It follows from this principle that it is acceptable, even

It’s one of the older tricks in the book.

Seriously. Speaking only for myself, I’m really sick of this notion of tolerating the intolerant, and having it thrown in my face when I refuse to play along. “If you really believe in tolerance, then you'll let the euro-supremacist ethnic cleansers have their say," just seems like a dumb sentiment.

It seems clearly in effect here. These folks weren’t bright enough to take this nonsense to it’s natural, sociopathic conclusion, ie., "I'm God."

I work with people caught in the criminal justice system for the past 13 years. Some of the more dangerous individuals I have worked with have adopted ideals such as this without the “gameification” factor. Ultimately, when an individual is able to view the “enemy” as an object, violence against that object becomes

How fucking sheltered was their life that they were able to live oblivious to the world around them?

...I’m not going to side with the people who tell everyone to succeed without outside help, and then proceed to stack the deck against anyone they don’t want to succeed.

“This isn’t the America I know.”

Which is a much smaller issue than giving them what appears to be a legitimate voice

I’m fine with that.

She has a got a powerful Hollywood family and friends and $$ to support her though. She had every resource to fight this that most women don’t and she still chose not to.

Nope. The more I read about this woman, the more she strikes me as unstable. And it’s not hard to dig into her past. It’s not case of going through her garbage. Rather she extremely overshares herself on multiple social media platforms. She talks about losing her virginity at age 18 to a married 34 year old man on her

Implicit bias is a bitch.

I see lot of replies here about lock the door.

The restaurant says they were closed, but the women say the restaurant was open because people were still dining. Anyone who’s worked service knows a closed restaurant often has people in it well beyond the official closing time, and while the public may still be inside, no one new gets to come in.

Basically, for you and Sheesh up there, if you’re black but not doing a full on black nationalist ten-percenter thing, you might as well just call yourself a white person.