
Kratom isn’t an opioid so no it won’t trip your test for opioids. They have to test for kratom specifically, which some pain management doctor’s are testing for, and releasing patients for using. I guess kratom is cutting into their profits!! Because it works better than opioids, without withdrawal symptoms, if you

Also proven effective in preventing mass shootings: stricter gun laws. Let’s go with that one first, then address the media.

Of course, their progress in the short term will be nil. The NRA is too powerful. But remember, there are only 257 days until they can vote, and being roundly denied by corruption may motivate a bit of turnout:

The influence of these groups comes not from money, the influence comes from the millions of people who agree with the agenda.

It’s not policing of freedom of speech. Twitter is a private platform, with terms of service everyone agrees to when they sign up. Violating those terms of service allows them to suspend or delete the account.

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

Why do you think they were duped? During the campaign, and still now, they’ve been incredibly prolific purveyors of disinformation and lies. They knew the shit they were spreading wasn’t true. They were, and are, the one’s doing the duping.

Sounds reasonable, komrade.

I love Trump enablers and their secret fantasies.

Cool, then we agree that Russian interference should be addressed and countered.

If you find solid evidence of Trump’s collusion

So what you’re saying is evidence of Russian collusion with Trump to interfere with our election in his favor should be ignored because you think there was no impact?

She had Curt Schilling on her radio show. I know, I know, it’s useless to point out the hypocrisy at this point.

“As someone once said, shut up and dribble.”

And the thing is that people like her can’t stand Pope Francis because he sometimes shows an ounce of humanity, which is an ounce too much for the Ingrahams of the world.

Ash? That was dirt left over from the gutter she woke up in.

“I’m so sick of these athletes daring to express their opinions! For more analysis, let’s go to Fox News commentator Curt Schilling!”

Fuck this posturing, irritating, fake-ass bitch. I love that she spent all Wednesday with a fucking ash cross on her forehead to pander to her viewers. Maybe think about what Jesus would say about the wealth inequality in this country, you hateful cunt.

I’m happy that you know your history, but given that the shooter was fixated on glorifying and making light of right-wing atrocities, how is your comment relevant to this conversation? Did the article show sympathy toward leftist atrocities? Did the shooter? What are you aiming at here?

As a liberal, I disagree. Go read twitter feeds from yesterday of the MAGA aligned people. I assume you are one too and you do not engage to have a real conversation on anything and just cling to your memes even more than anyone else. I will also ask you what ONE thing could Donald Trump do to lose your support?