
Just because they are implicitly supporting teenage pregnancies, mountaintop destruction for a few crumbs of coal, dying insurance-less in a ditch, enriching billionaires to the point where billionaires are embarrassed, voter suppression and beefing with ESPN anchors during humanitarian crises doesn’t make them bad

I mean, I don’t know how much clearer I can be about this (I also don’t know why people dance around making this point): If you support Donald Trump, you’re a bad person.

If it’s a weapon to expose the raging hypocrisy of Republicans, why yes, it’s a great reason to care.

the next time your gf catches you cheating, let her know how sad it is that she only cares about her warnings and directives related to your cheating, and not the woman you cheated with.

Let me guess: film school, right? Masters in Projection?

You’ve got to be kidding. Talk about hypocrisy

Funny how it was a big deal when Hillary was doing it, but it suddenly stops being of concern now. Why is that?

Well, he did defeat ISIS, bring peace to the Middle East, and renew our relationships with North Korea and Russia in less than a year, so let’s cut the little critter some slack!

“What the fuck does the NSA know? I’m in real estate. I’m the one who knows what they are doing here.”

With that attitude, you’re right. About yourself.

I remember the original film based on this. It wasn’t great, but it nevertheless impacted me because it was the first time I really thought about a haunted spaceship. The idea was better explored by Event Horizon, but I still don’t think the definitive haunted spaceship book or film has come out yet. The concept is

Also let's continue to ignore that the sun's variation with sun spots and temperature is a nearly one-to-one correlation

"You guys have a cure to the virus that's decimating humanity? Be a lot cooler if you did."

How much is Gawker getting paid by the Tyler Swift PR campaign for all this coverage?

... both?

"Where's Wallace?"

It's quite a strange feeling when someone like him dies. You know they can't be around forever, but they've been around your whole life.

If I pay for a cowardly Zionist to murder an Arab, it's kind of a big deal.

Because the article is not about the amount of "Arabs" killed?
False equivalency troll, trying to deflect, or just stupid? It's hard to tell nowadays.

The overwhelming scientific consensus isn't the debate, it's largely an ideological/political argument. Unfortunately to believe in man-made climate change, it means admitting that we have to change how we power our cities, produce cheap food, rethink transportation, more big "socialist" government mandates, and loss