
What is efficient about Nuclear waste? How about the effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant leak in the Pacific Ocean? Anything efficient about cleaning that up? I wonder what would take longer, ridding the Oceans of Nuclear Waste or finding ways of cleaning the Solar Panels every once-and-awhile. Have you not

The amateur sociologist in me says: The remnants of the plantation mentality and white privilege and entitlement have allowed this man to believe that the black players on 'his' team are in servitude to 'his' organization. They are representatives of the plantation to which he pertains to and represents, the Tech

We should have a photoshopping contest with that guy at various sporting events: Jamaican bobsled run, Jordan's shot over Russell etc.

What in god's name does a sporting competition from over two years ago have to do with anything? You had to reach so far up your ass for that "comeback" that your middle finger is poking out your left nostril.

Hell of game indeed Mr. Sherman. Damn. That was soooooo thuggish wasn't it? Everyone that had issues can now proceed to GTFOH!

Wow, that 'hell of a game' actually did sound sincere. That surprised me.

What wrong with a team winning a lot of regular season games and then maybe a World Series every 3 or 4 years? That sounds fucking awesome.

What a goddamn selfish worldview you have. I hope you get castrated with a weedeater.

What makes you come to the conclusion that the excessive fossil carbon found in the atmosphere was not put there by humans?

It was about time they took down the old sign.

ah the old Carlin' routine that conservatives still cling to. His entire punch line is that the planet is fine, WE'RE FUCKED. That's the whole point of the climate change warnings. If you honestly thought that it was about protecting Earth from not exploding, and not about protecting humanity and other life on Earth

You're right, no one is going to save the world. It's not going anywhere. It continuing to be inhabitable by humans on the other hand...

I love any player whose team got caught blatantly cheating talking about respecting the game.

"We win with graciousness, except when we are blatantly cheating by secretly videotaping other teams."

Gracious celebratory headbutt:

"We lose with graciousness"

Yes. They win with graciousness. By implying the next day that a guy on the other team intentionally hurt their best defensive player, and trying to get the league to mount an investigation into baseless allegations. That's how you handle yourself with class. Make excuses and whine.

The Patriots totally win with graciousness. I mean it didn't work out this year but just look at 2011. Wait that doesnt work, but check out 2007. to be honest I can't remember whether the Patriots win with graciousness or not.