
Proud Boys founder encourages violence. You have no ground to stand on. Get your head out of your ass. 

You sound like a little boy trying so hard to be a tough guy. 

It’s a start. 

Uneducated people + Disinformation Canpaigns = Dangerous to our country

Grasping at straws. 

Thats a lot of maybes 

A precedent set does not equal a certainty in every instsnce. Sorry. 

Because they’re all white? That sounds pretty racist.

We should all be searched because everyone steals. That is the only fair way to handle it, and people shouldn’t be such babies about having someone look in their bag.

So you want black people to shop only at black stores. Yep that sounds like progress....

A security guard in every retail establishment throughout the country performing mandatory bag checks and pat downs of every shopper regardless of race would solve this problem. Of course that won’t happen, so stories like this will continue to pop up.

As someone who’s worked in retail for four years I can honestly say that there is nothing worse than an individual who either tries to get into a closed establishment, or someone who refuses to leave the establishment well after they’ve been informed that it’s closing time.

We’re all humans. Grow up.

Such petty preoccupations. Worrying about things like ‘blackness’

Well said.

Life’s too short to care about who’s apart of which sub category of human. It’s a waste of time. Interracial couples make me hopeful for a future when we’re all grey and have moved beyond antiquated geographical self identification.

I’m not surprised by this. As an inhabitant of this city for 34 years I’ve come to realize that it’s no different than anywhere else (for the most part). It’s a rat race, every man and woman for themselves. Upper class progressive households talk a big game, some are probably very politically active on behalf of the

So what happens to all of Negan’s soldiers? You know, the one’s who were directly benefitting from his fiefdom. Do they all just turn into good people all of a sudden and not the predatory assholes that made them so hatable in the first place?

Whatever you say commie.

lol you can tell you’re way in over your head in conspiracy and mania.