Mrs Sessions?
Mrs Sessions?
Oh my question was rhetorical. I’m with you.
i don’t believe in war and I’m not religious. Who do I bitch to?
‘mandating that Christians have to pay for someone else’s abortion’
LOL. Go Pack Go.
‘No article about that, huh?’
What fucking drugs are you on?
I’ve taken to calling it snorkeling
Lots of dudes too, and not just bc she was attractive. She’ll be so missed.
I love chips
As someone who is governed by Scott Fucking Walker, I feel you.
Of course you’re right, for the most part. This is also way more depressing. Bring on the mushroom cloud.
We’re all gonna die.
This is a bad headline and worse take.
Miami is a old standby punching bag. Took no thought for the OP to take his shit at them. I have no skin in the game as I’m not a Miami fan or alum or anything close but the fact is that hardly any university is immune. And OP took the first shot at academic standings.
So? Let’s stop pretending like academics have anything to do with college sports. None of us give a dang and anyone who pretends to is a douche.
Duuuuurrrrrr. Yeah, I probably went to Miami.
Doesn’t address your comment about the U whatsoever. Nice try! Merry Christmas.
Pretty sure Miami is a top 50 US University for academics. But keep up those stereotypes.
The torture Vikings fans go through at the expense of GBP. It’s wonderful.