
I was diagnosed with a fairly rare (especially at my age) cancer about a year ago, and I have received excellent care largely because I had an in with the university hospital that is well known for its cancer treatment and a really good (expensive) insurance plan. And the insurance company still tries to kill me

If you’re a Leftovers junkie, the Hyatt downtown is where they filmed International Assassin.

Carbonara frittatas are my jam: brown some pancetta, throw in some leftover pasta, then cover with egg, parmesan, and asiago.

Only if he’s pitching. He could play another field position on his off days. Which would be awesome.

The pace was first thing I thought about. She ran roughly a 22:30 5k pace. That’s faster than 90% of the 5k finishing times in nearly very race, and she did it for half a fucking day.

The “go back to Africa” line always gets me. Pretty sure most black folks’ forefathers got here earlier than most of the ‘true Americans’ claiming that this is their country.

The Fall Guy

Those 20 pounds will make a difference. Depending on what I’m doing for fitness my weight ranges from 170-190. Running at the lower weight is much easier.

I did a trail running class last year b/c I was burned out on road halfs. My coach would run for 2-4 hours on Saturday and then our 10-15 miler on Sunday was her recovery. In August (in Texas) she ran over 200 miles. Ultra people are whole other level of crazy beyond marathoners.

This. You know if John Lennnon was still around he’d have dumped Yoko for a Page 3 Girl and been one of those pro-Brexit assholes.

On the phone thing, my oldest just turned 12 and we got him one. He’s at an age where he can stay at him by himself and we let jump on his bike to go see friends or fuck off around the neighborhood. The phone is the tether.

The thing that galls me the most about this is that Rick Perry is at least marginally qualified for one Cabinet post: Veteran’s Affairs. He’s been a shit governor of my state but the one thing he always made impassioned and erudite points on was the treatment of vets in the post 9/11 world. This would have been a

Red Storm Rising wasn’t a history book.

Well, they’re maneuverable as hell, and without the cannon think of the storage space!

I’m going to print this out, hang it in my kitchen, and read it every time I think about yelling at my kids.

ET is Spielberg at his very best. We pulled this up on Netflix a few weeks ago and my boys nearly fell off the couch rolling their eyes at me. Within a minute they were hooked, and all three were crying by the end.

98.7% of people drinking out of a gallon jug t a gym are using steroids.

FSU alum here. Seriously, if you can’t take shit being said about your team (or worse when circumstances warrant) then GTFO.

You’ve seen Tiffany. Would you be?

I know about a half dozen college educated white people that are voting for Trump. A couple of them are evangelicals, and the rest have all told me a racist joke at some point in the past ten years.