
You’ve got a mighty large chest, Steven.

I agree. Clinton wasn’t a bad candidate, but she certainly wasn’t populist and her campaign team was comprised entirely of idiots.

Each day I’m more and more convinced that the commenters on Jezebel have never met anyone that isn’t like them (except their uncle or in-laws that they hate). The inability to grasp we lost is astonishing. The majority of people don’t find identity politics appealing. Most people vote for what they perceive to be the

“You tanked her and Obama’s platform with Bernie’s education plan for your dogwhistle bullshit.”

an education plan so bad they adopted part of it into the party platform!

And make voter suppression and gerrymandering a fucking platform. Why was and is this still not being covered appropriately?

Hillary did not lose because of Bernie’s education plan.


It’s surprising how many people are ignoring basic political science, that capturing the White House for a third term is *incredibly* difficult. Incumbents themselves have a natural advantage (which is why you frequently see even unpopular presidents gain a 2nd term), but the third term is the exception. Consider also

Democrats fall in love, while Republicans fall in line.

I’m still at the “cry and hold each other” stage.

None of these things are going to work until half of the population can be convinced to stop voting against their own self-interests for fear of the “Other”. 

McLaren haven’t built a solid racing car since McLaren auto was started yet Ron continues to spew the “most advanced, best racing team in the world” crap as we’re told for a 5th time he hates floor tiles that don’t match.

You mean the minorities who DIDN’T turn out for Hillary? You know the black vote was way down, right? You take it down the road, right down to that wreckage you see before you of the party and the country. That’s the wreckage you helped create.

No jezzies hate the fact that Bernie challenged their anointed queen during the primaries and secretly or openly blame Bernie for hillarys lost

Neither is Bernie. Wanting free college and wanting to break up the big banks makes him a traditional, FDR liberal. He’s not looking for the government to take over the means of production, so calm down.

Millions of black voters that voted Obama twice stayed home this time. I doubt Bernie could have done worse.

Keep telling yourself that, as we bury the once openly liberal (and thriving), now centrist (and very dead) democratic party. Obviously the problem is the democratic party is not right-wing enough.

They voted for a black guy twice; why wouldn’t they vote for someone who’s jewish? I’m not talking about the Trump voters in the south and other parts of the country; I’m specifically talking about the white guys, many of them union, in the rust belt that put Obama over the top but then switched to Trump. Obama got a

And Obama was easily reelected and is leaving office with a stratospheric approval rating.