
Like a bitch!

Trump is functionally stupid. No matter how bright he may be (dim, in my opinion), if you don’t use your intelligence, don’t read, don’t listen, and don’t try to learn, you are stupid.

“The cyber goes in, the cyber goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that. You can’t explain how the cyber works.”

Donald Trump Is Actually Just A Sample File On Loop

Maybe you should be sitting down when I tell you this...he lied.

Though I certainly understand why he chose not to, I honestly wish Biden had run- and please don’t take that as anti-Hillary, because I have a lot of faith in her. But I often think that Biden would not only wipe the floor with Trump, but do it in such an all encompassing policy and straight-talk smackdown way that

Oh sure, Dishonest Media, you can find 500 people in the web thing but you can’t find 30,000 plus missing emails, now can you Dishonest Media?!?! SAD.

So maybe Barron isn’t all that good with computers after all.

This gif makes me feel ill. Yesterday I showed it to a friend who hadn’t seen it before and she actually yelled out in horror and disgust when she saw it. Here’s a palate cleanser!

The plan:

I’m having a feminine impulse to kick these guys in the nuts.

So basically this. The fastest car on earth. The GRX from Speed Racer. You had to take drugs just to drive it, if memory serves.

I like how he always looks as if he’s thinking what my man says to me: “Damn! I am a lucky, lucky guy.”

Sorry, but this is for science. (From here)

It gets better: Same little girl!

Any parent who just hands their child to a stranger should be ashamed. That child did not want to be there. This is why sexual assault is such a big problem - children are repeatedly taught that they don’t get a choice in where/how/from whom they receive affection.

Yeah I agree. This was our chance, we blew it.

This is why I voted for Bernie; I think he was much less interested in the actual proposal rather than how it would play politically.

I’m constantly amazed by the failure of the Clinton campaign (who I’m voting for) to properly gauge the political climate. This whole campaign is kind of like the American Revolution: Clinton is running around with her army of redcoats trying to fight a conventional, stand and deliver type of warfare while Trump has