
yep... youre gonna get lots of flak.

I had the same thought. Street racing is indefensibly stupid no matter what you’re driving, but seriously man. You thought your V6 rental special was some kind of sick street racing machine?

This exactly. I’ll hold my nose and vote for her if I have to, but I’ll probably suffocate -_-...

What her campaign did to Obama in 2008 really turned me off to her. She isn’t motivated by change, she’s motivated by power.

I could have written this myself. This is exactly how I feel about Hilary Clinton.

I was in the barbershop this weekend and there are so many black folks that haven’t done thier homework on the Clintons it is scary. Most of the conversations I had with Clinton supporters were just talking points for the 90s about Bill being the “1st black president” and when you bring up NAFTA, private prison

I wish I could remember where I read this article, but there was an interesting piece recently about the changing perceptions of the ‘94 crime bill. It basically argued that even though people now consider the bill hugely problematic, back when it was passed it had a lot of support not just from conservatives and

I came here to pose the same question, because I just don’t get it.

It baffles the mind. I’m sure people will dismiss it as not valid, but I’ve expressed very legitimate concerns with her history with the black community. Yet still, we are her firewall, and if anyone brings it up, we are basically told to shut up because Clinton Knows Best. I have positive things to say about Hillary

I dunno hes terribly appealing to me.. but then I look beyond the optics, unlike a lot of folks.

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

People like Ms. Wasserman-Schultz are why people have such a low opinion of Congress and Democrats. Democrats are supposed to work for the oppressed, those without a voice, not take money from lobbyists and then write legislation that benefits them.

Scheduling the debates against big-time football games, for starters.

She is just foreshadowing what her former boss and best-friend HRC is going to do as POTUS.

Unfortunately, she has revealed herself to be exactly this. I thought my party was better than that.

Same reason #BLM stopped getting coverage. Same reason “no new taxes” is the Democratic flavor of the day.

Can’t wait for Hillary to appoint this woman, one of her BFFs, to some Cabinet position or other. The Democratic Party is as crooked and corrupt as the Republican Party, just in a more covert way. Vote Blue no matter who, my ass.

No wonder she hates Bernie so much that she is willing to destroy democracy in the Democratic party at every turn: