
Hopefully he just rages himself to a stroke.

Thank you. Republicans have been well trained to fall in line and Cheney is being used as an example to the others who won’t (and the discussion about the undermining of democracy is another topic), but until the Republicans who share their dissatisfaction actually start putting in the votes, it’s all empty noise.

This is... worrisome. You can’t have a working political system without everyone agreeing on some sort of shared reality. Belief in the legitimacy of the electoral process in an essential part of any functioning democracy.

I will, but only because I love your username.

but she’s later seen approaching mounted police officers

Just wait until Trump dies. That will be a party. 

Talk about shooting themselves in the foot. My Republican parents lived in a retirement community and were often in and out of PT rehab or the hospital in their final years. They always voted by mail and ballots were automatically sent to them. Neither of them (or others in their retirement community) were super

Cough Whitlam is engaging in the age-old “I must tell all the people their thing is beneath me, then they shall see how deep my wisdom is!” Like, dude- a lot of us are aware of the superficiality nerdy family shit like the MCU, that’s not an incredibly deep thought- we do it anyways. There’s also a lot of people that

Well when this inevitably backfires on the GOP — especially when the elderly in Florida are no longer able to vote by mail — I wonder which state will be the first to overtly make it illegal to vote if you are black.

We’ll somehow soldier on

I actually teared up a bit too.

He didn't just punch a woman, he sucker-punched a woman. I'm thinking not for the first time. 

They’re not. Archbishops are just dicks about it, get rebuffed, and sulk for a while. Canada’s Jean Chrétien (prime minister in the ‘90s) got the same threat from his archbishop.

If churches are gonna start taking political stands then they should have their tax exempt status removed. 

Due to the implications that it has for his longevity, I sincerely hope that Don Jr. is really eating four pounds of red meat a day.

“I’m pretty sure I ate 4 pounds of red meat yesterday. That’s going to be a hard NO from me.”— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 24, 2021

F1 does not because it’s not run like a goddamn clown show at a circus.

Just wait till you see his op-ed on how wokeness ruined his dream plantation wedding!

‘Cause, see, when a black family goes to Disney Hell, their money isn’t as good as the money spent by the Christian/Republican white family, so their “customer experience” isn’t worth the consideration of management.

because anyone with the lack of self-awareness to post shit like this in the year of our lord in 2021 is looking for five minutes and the usual conservative talk-show circuit grift like so many of his kin.