
I think you just hit the story telling narrative target. Just like the comic books (and pro wrestling), these stories aren’t meant to have a satisfying and completed ending. They are meant to go on, just like life. The world didn’t stop after WW2, so it makes sense that stories following it should also continue.

I don’t think the world at large knows about Thanos himself

I thought Zemo basically just said “look, I’ve been waiting for a moment to bust out, so I’m finna do that now” and Bucky just said “sounds good.”

I think this show is not going to end in a conclusive way, but rather sets up things for later movies.. (similar to how WandaVision ended on a cliffhanger). The FlagSmashers are the “noise”.. the distraction, but I think the real “villian” is going to be the disillusionment of heroes in the government and will setup

Are you kidding me? That’s the best part. His background justifies why he would know so much about various cultures (he basically knew T’Challa would overact and focus on any real threat and stay out of his way). And him understanding social issues is the way they got so far into Madripoor.
As comrade Zangief said it:

“Only an American would assume a fashion forward black man looks like a pimp.” -Zemo

Ok...who, in the hell, had in their bingo that Zemo would turn out to be so woke?
Woke Zemo is such a perfect character; it makes sense since his background was intelligence gathering, and it still has that hint of cringe since he’s a

Like Greene herself, Crossfit sucks ass.

Remember the good ol’ days when Republicans just cruised men’s room? Pepperidge Farm remembers...

Most people in this country, especially politicians, only use their “faith” to get people to vote for them. Once its no longer useful to them, they drop it like its as hot as hell. 

The best part is they are literally missing the whole point of the video:

Which state is going to be first to pass a bill that will just prevent anyone that isn’t white and Christian from voting?

Man Of Steel is a personal preference thing, I guess. I appreciated its non-cheese nature although it went near grimdark towards the end. I’ve never been a huge fan of Superman but the movie iterations of him are far worse than his comics representation so it was nice to see a somewhat grounded Superman. It seemed

nah its still a solid D- just for all new reasons. mostly because its a 4 hour long self indulgent wank fest to snyders ego.

there are improvements, notably to Cyborg and Steppenwolf. but those two cannot make up for the how AWFUL the rest of the film is, even more so than the original.

maybe my opinion will chance

Did you see the same copy of 1984 as me? Gadot’s career is not in a better place than it was before her involvement in this franchise, if anything this highlighted what a lousy actor she really is.

this is the correct take.

honestly though, I dont think being a star in this franchise would have helped his career with either cut.

Anyone else feel like this is Leto taking one last stab at making his Joker in any way “iconic”, sandwiched as it is between the much loved performance of Ledger and the polarising but award winning turn by Phoenix?

I totally thought this was gonna be in reference to Joker’s totally baffling and stupefying line about giving Batman a reacharound

The “hardcore fans” rarely do, and they’re always in the minority. It’s because they’re shit. Hardcore Snyder/DC/Marvel/Star Wars fans are all alike. They’re racist, fascist shitheads. We’ve got Star Wars fans complaining about a female main character. We’ve got Marvel fans whining about Brie Larson and sending death

Sorry, but it’s the Sabinering now.