
for the thousandth time, someone please help me wrap my brain around the fact that despite doing this, this asswipe WILL be triumphantly re-elected, because for some reason the average Republican constituent is overjoyed to eat shovelfuls after shovelfuls of shit that the GOP serves them.  I will never understand how

Have you seen how he treats his wife?

There is cohesive, then there is copy and pasted, McLaren design is copy pasted, not cohesive. Ferrari is cohesive but all the models are distinguishable from one another.

Yet another McLaren I will see in the wild and go, “hmmm, I have no idea what model that is” which is sad because my GF considers me basically an encyclopedia of cars. Any time she sees something sporty or rare she will ask me what it is, and I almost always know, but with McLarens I just say it is a McLaren because

Inside My Love has been covered by a lot of singers, but if Minnie were alive today I think she’d like the version done by the Japanese singer ACO.

I remember when I actually listened closely to the lyrics to “Inside My Love” and realize, hey now thats’ a little dirty!

“Trump has now become Presidential.”

Okay, does anybody else kind of wish Trump was temporarily unbanned from Twitter just so we could witness his SAG-AFTRA meltdown in real-time? Just a little bit?

They see 2 types of women: Fuckable and Unfuckable. They hate both, for different reasons. And nobody is meaner than a self-loather, and white women, at least, def have a lot of those.

The irony of these “just move on” dumbasses carrying confederate flags when they stormed the Capitol is completely lost on their tiny little brains.

No one should have to go to work and end up hiding from terrorists. You don’t just ‘get over’ that. The attempted coup, threats of murder, nooses and white men just wilding out anywhere and any way they choose is so reminiscent of the Reconstruction era and never ending Jim Crow tactics. Black legislators killed, the

Greene was recently on the floor of the House giving a televised speech while wearing a mask that said CENSORED. Hawley was bleating that conservative voices were being muzzled in an op-ed in the New York Post. Using the mainstream media to amplify their bullshit and then complaining about the very same mainstream

OMFG! The cop matter-of-factly telling a 9 yo she’s going to get pepper sprayed in the eyeballs? How the fuck did you think that was going to de-escalate the situation? She’s handcuffed in the back of a cruiser surrounded by armed adults. SHE’S FUCKING 9!

I think this is what you meant (just a screenshot, I too don’t know how to computer).  Perfect.

“I don’t see an American flag anymore...”

This woman deserves a lifetime award in comedy. I snorted up through my nose milk I drank in second grade.

I don’t think he’s goofy, I think he’s authentic.  Just being himself, a grandpa from Vermont.  Also he’s lived through 19 fricken inaugurations now, I don’t blame him for looking unimpressed.  

I have NO idea how anyone can say ANYTHING bad about Michelle’s look because that shit was chic as FUCK. The end.

Bernie is wearing a Burton coat that costs around $500. He’s wearing it in the “I’m Asking You” meme. Pretty much proof that you only need one good winter jacket and that’s his 🤷🏾‍♀️

It’s too late for Fox. The Trump bootlickers and Qanon psychos have already abandoned ship for OANN and Newsmax. Fox will never be able to out-crazy those full fledged propaganda machines and Trump himself seems to be done with Fox and he was their biggest draw.