
Funny, it makes me turgid.

I know it will never happen, but the idea of throwing 126 traitorous Republicans from the House makes me hot.

Having the ability to release 8-12 of your own movies at your leisure would be pretty potent. Especially if they decided Disney branded theaters would get those movies FIRST while other theaters had to wait a few weeks.

Actually yeah fuck Chris Nolan. Dude demanded his movie be shown exclusively in theaters. So they did, and people weren’t interested nearly enough to risk COVID to go see it.

That said, large theater chains don’t seem like anything we really need to care much about. Somebody’s going to buy or bankroll them. The infrastructure is too obviously situated to do nothing other than screen movies.

Minor correction, Lashana Lynch portrayed Maria, not Monica Rambeau, who was portrayed by Akira Akbar I believe.

I will state my unpopular take once again, the character T’Challa is bigger than one actor. There needs to be a recast so his story can continue. Does anyone honestly believe that Boseman would want to stop the development of such a character?

tell that to Moscow Mitch. He’s the one holding up everything so that corporations can force people back to work, Covid or no.

While I appreciate Disney honoring him, I was looking forward to seeing Tchalla and Namor interact.

You had me at: Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Beyond the Lights) and Wunmi Mosaku (Lovecraft Country) will co-star in the upcoming series Loki. I love them both for many of the same and then different reasons.

General Paxton has been under indictment for felony securities fraud since 2015, and is currently under investigation by the FBI after eight of his deputies accused him of using his position to do favors for a political donor.

She gets way too much oxygen everywhere.

Or if you are saying “just asking questions” as a way to defend spreading shit opinions. In other words you asked a question you didnt even want an answer to, you were just trying to do a “GOTCHA”

People have very short memories.

Not Fred Flintstone:

It can’t be Victoria Jackson. I used to love her comedy on SNL and movies, but then she got old, swole and became a crazy racist Obama truther. Go figure. 

He doesn’t need a job. I’m guessing he made a pretty tidy amount of cash destroying our democracy.

I would think with how horrible and vile the GOP is and how Trump basically transformed them into his machine, Biden would realize that reaching across to the GOP is only going to piss off the people who turned out to put his ass in the WH. I would think that, but i’m doubtful