
The fourth season was one of the best I've seen of any show. It's always nice to have some classics waiting in the queue. :)

I agree, but honestly I gave up after years of watching Anna Torv and John Noble get snubbed for Fringe.

Joffrey Bieber polishing the pommel of his tiny, tiny sword.

Last week I witnessed my Shepard/Akita open the screen door for himself when he didn't think I was paying attention. Not with his nose either, he popped back on his hind legs and grabbed the door where the screen was torn with his paw and used like a handle. I was stunned and am now making his dad put a handle on the

German Shepherd is a superior breed. The best breed. And is always down for looking good or goofy.

It's not exactly supposed to be a plot twist that Lauda comes back after his accident... The movie is about the relationship between Hunt and Lauda, it's not a suspense flick. Releasing a Titanic trailer without any footage of people panicking and lifeboats in the water would be incomplete, so would releasing this

What trailer doesn't give the basic outline of a movie? Unless they give you a compelling tale in 2 min, the vast majority of people that have no interest in F1 will not go see it.

Jesus Fucking Christ. I know that Kinja is god and all, but can we at least get a ban for racists calling Trayvon's murder a "net benefit to the world" because he had once been suspended from school?

You know what's the most fucked up & heartbreaking part of this whole clip? Howard telling Candice just to stand with him and be the bigger person. It is ALWAYS Black people who have to be the bigger people and that fucking sucks, because if Candice would have defended herself in ANY other way in the face of that kind

I just noticed that my entire comment didn't post, there was supposed to be more to it but now I've forgotten. This was kind of a ragey comment, but it's pretty much the thought that's been percolating in my brain for this whole trial. I grew up with the idea that if you picked a fight with someone and lost, you lived

This makes me think of Debra Messing's tweet last night.

"The two scuffled, and just when it looked like Zimmerman's Die Hard fantasies were going to end with him getting his ass kicked by a skinny teen, the gun was fired into the chest of the boy, ending the boy's life."

THIS. So much. Zimmerman is a whiny little wimp who picked a fight and then pulled out a gun when the

The "41 for Freedom" (the first wave of fleet ballistic missile submarines) were named after people of either historical or cultural significance in US history, including not only Presidents but notable lower-ranking political figures, foreign military people who helped in our time of need, science and technology

With very few exceptions, submarines now get state and city names.

So you'd find it okay if the police just started shooting and killing anyone who committed a crime? It's not a detriment to keep a basic tenant of morality even when it endangers yourself. The reason Batman doesn't kill is because it isn't his place to kill. He's a vigilante, not a murderer. He hangs the criminals up

Now playing

OMG. Turn up your speakers right now and hit play. It sounds amazing.

I can attest to Real Racing. I played through it a LOT when I had nothing to do at work. Great response, and different cars drive differently (though I can't speak for how it compares to the real-life versions). I got through a good 70% of all the races in it (which there are very many of) and the difficulty level


Oh god. I liked the way the Camaro looked in the lead picture, but it just looks like a bright yellow Cavalier from this angle and distance.