
Vision has a theory on this.

Amazing how absolutely TINY the 70’s GP cars are compared to contemporary cars.  Alesi looked like a giant crawling out of a shoebox.

In the face? Can’t we be a little more emphatic about this?  A punch in the face is being kind.   Take that aim a few feet lower and use a kick instead and I’ll know you’re serious.

Somewhere Bernie Eccestone is looking for someone to hold his pint....

Oh, but it was a spine tingling time when it did, huh?

Because giving healthcare to....anybody....means there is one less thing that separates “hard working Americans” from the lazy dregs that keep hard working Americans from enjoying their God given right to be better than those other people.

I’ll love this old man forever. Relentless in the pursuit of doing good shit for people. Would have been a magnificent President. Can you imagine how right wing heads would be exploding these days? 

A legacy of the Ron Dennis years. I’ve always thought this complex made McLaren cooler than they really were.

Thats what lackeys are for.

Florida will make sure it has as much COVID as medically possible in time for the GP!  This is what Florida does best!

Oceanfront in Detroit?? The Detroit River would like to thank you for the kind words.

Exactly.  Despite people bitching about how the MCU unfolded before actually did it rather perfectly.  The only true missteps came from he TV side (Inhumans).

This feels correct.

Captain Marvel (Mar-Vel) died rather dramatically of cancer in one of the hallmark stories in Marvel history.

I love these folks who never heard of Black Panther until the movie came out now standing strong denying another actor the chance for the role. Y’all need to quit!   T’Challa has many stories left to tell. And I mean T’Challa! Not Shuri (her time will come), or some long lost cousin with the Black Panther title.

I keep calling my attorney to see if I can be compensated legally for even knowing this shit exists. He won’t return my call. If he would just WATCH this fucking trailer he’d be onboard.

My GF and I were nearly t-boned by an idiot blowing through a red light in downtown detroit. Seriously, the guy would have likely killed my GF in the passenger seat. Thankfully I was fully aware that Detroit might be the “Fuck ThaT Red Light” capitol of the world...and took a quick glance to my right and stopped in


I still wish he was President.   Thank God Biden won...but goddamn Bernie would have been awesome.

ODIN’S beard! It looks like its having a stroke right before my eyes.