Yup. Let em tucker themselves out like a bunch of kids who spen the afternoon scarfing Crunch Berries and Mountain Dew.
Yup. Let em tucker themselves out like a bunch of kids who spen the afternoon scarfing Crunch Berries and Mountain Dew.
I’ve said it before and will say it again.
You think the Stradale looks like a Corvette? I suppose a mouse looks like a lion from certain angles too. Having four legs, two ears, a tail and all....
Damn. That reeks of pure shittery.
I may join Twitter just to ‘Amen’ this post and leave.
Well stated. I hope you’re right.
Hillary might want a piece of that.....
He can repay me by ignoring the naysayers in his ear and go hard for Medicare For All.
I KNOW, RIGHT!!??!!??
A perfect fucking joke for the imperfect joke of the Trump administration.
I’m Prof. Charles Xavier, and I approve this message.
Lets be real. She doesn’t WANT him on top of her.
Can’t expect otherwise from the man who says if you stop testing for COVID you won’t have cases of COVID.
A Presidential Medal of Freedom would look good on her. And she needs to run for Governor again.
Tom Cotton says “hi”.
Georgia Senate run off is our chance to win the senate out right. Get ready to send money to Georgia.....and call those distant cousins down south to make sure they and every Democrat they know is registered and ready to vote. Because every right wing hillbilly that can hold a pen will be voting for Perdue.
I hope you’re running for office with an answer like that.