
The White House will not change is “hide your head in the sand” policy on COVID 19 until someone like Pence, Ivanka, Miller or Trump himself gets really....visibly...undeniably sick.

Empty boxes.

This has been my biggest gripe with the Democratic establishment getting back into he WH.   

UGH.  The fucking SOUTH!  I want to vomit front his shit.

Obama was busy making sure Joe Biden was going to be the Democratic nominee.....

I like the Obama girls so much...I hope I never hear from them again.  Unless its during Malia’s inauguration speech.

Fucking brilliant.


I think Flow Bee wants to continue that age old tradition of blaming EVERY fuck up the Democratic Party makes on Bernie because it’s convenient and it makes certain people feel better.

Can we please leave Bernie out of this?

Came here to say the same.

I’m willing to bet they will scream at their TVs all each other up and shout profanities....have more than a few Coors Lights...scratch their nuts a lot without washing their hands...and go to bed pissed.


but Sanders wants to push his agenda at the convention, and is making a big stink about it because, as usual, he doesn’t think the rules apply to him.”

Stop dragging Bernie into this.


Job Biden will get my vote.

Corn Pop can vouch for him anytime.
