
Listening to Biden talk you get the same feeling you get when watch a toddler stumble along at the top of a long flight of stairs.

Bernie is the right height to be a plucky, shorter-side point guard with a solid 3 point game.....from a school like Gonzaga or something.

This could be astonishing...or an unmitigated disaster.

“Their kind of liberalism?”


Bernie has only been rising since the heart attack. And Warren has yet to prove she can win anything with somewhat similar (not nearly identical) policies. Bernie has 23 state primary victories (including the key states that cost us the general) and is the most popular politician in America.   He has broken

Was he supposed to do this as a favor to Warren? Maybe to repay her for her staunch support and her endorsement of his run in 2016?   Y’know, back when he was running with the policies she also stands for?  

“She really needed Sanders to cooperate.”


Well played.

Treat it like a motorcycle....

If we were the ingenious nation we pretend to be...we’d attach little turbines under his nostrils and have that fat fucker generate enough power to justify his living.

I LITERALLY just called out some asshole on FB who was yammering on about how Obama ‘gave’ Iran billions of dollars.

Agreed.  She was a revelation.

It’s the kind of thing people will read...or hear about...and forget it after the next thing they see or read comes along.


Goddamn I love Vegas! It’s so ridiculous.

Damn, that Roma is sexy AF.