
Meh, I prefer Mastodon. More characters, less annoying, petty junk, and easier to put stuff on lock.

I forgot about the challenge. Might’ve been for the best, though. I would’ve crashed and burned. Hopefully, I can do and accomplish the next one.

I got up at 6 am for half of my high school career (and 5 am for most of the other half) to make it to school for 8 am. Some kids I knew started classes as early as 7 am. I’d like to say that this measure will work out greatly but something tells me that there’ll be a lot of resistance to this, both internal (parents)

Do restaurants within a school count? If not, then I can easily do this. If so, then it might be a little harder but I can manage it. Right now, it’s about 20 to 40 dollars per month. Considering what it was during the same period last year (at least double that), it’s actually an improvement.