
I’d actually rather see Jaime give Tormund the gender flipped Clueless bookworm-to-stonefox makeover and get a casual low five from Stansa for making sure homegirl Brienne get summa what she owed.

White Walkers to the North of me

It was an okay episode. I liked Sam and Gilly’s scenes, showing us the home life from whence Sam came. His mom and sister are super cool and accepting. Even his “perfect son” brother seemed cool, although he wasn’t going out of his way to gush over Little Sam and Gilly. Dad’s a puckered asshole of a guy, and I’m


The minute he even thinks about saying some sexist Drogon is going to burn a bitch down.

On top of all the on the nose dialogue, add the whole “build me 1000 ships” Uncle Greyjoy moment from last episode to Dany’s “nobody has 1000 ships...yet” musings in this episode and you have the mother of all on-the-nose foreshadowing.

I liked your sewing joke. She got some excellent supplies and I only expect she stole them daily as a stash from Littlefinger. That man knows his outfits.

And yet the police found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Depp when they showed up. Heard then posted pics DAYS later. Looks suspicious on her part, unless you’re claiming the police left when she had obvious facial contusions

Someone can abuse you and tons of people will come out and support them “they were great people, they would never! It didn’t happen to me! Lies!” It means nothing.

Actually, this is more fuel for the idea he has full-blown NPD. For narcissists, whatever they’re feeling that day is The Truth, and if the wind blows the other way, it’s actually *surprising to them* that they ever said or felt differently.

Causation is not absolution.

If this is the guy I think it is, you’re wasting your time. Writing hundreds of thousands of words about how easy it is to be female and how hard it is to be male is his raison d’etre. Usually with a generous side of racism.

nope, women are expected to be the social glue in groups, especially family groups—we are expected to arrange everything and accomodate other people’s feelings at all times. and i don’t have to “think about” my male counterparts—i talk to autistic men online all the time, and most of them can see how being socially

My advice is to ignore mostly every thing written in the comments! To anyone who grew up in a dysfunctional environment, it’s obvious that the author is saying that her childhood experiences left her lacking the skills and tools to form appropriate social and emotional bonds with people. It’s likely that the girl you

as a woman who is pushing 40 and is socially awkward due to autism, men and women both are NOT more understanding with socially awkward women. socially awkward men are more acceptable because it’s expected that women are supposed to be more socially fluent and aware of and tending to everyone’s emotional needs and

A lot of self-described “challenging” people are just dicks.

Did you really just start an article bragging about sexually assaulting your boyfriend? Consent is a two way street.

Bingo. Jezebel occassionally publishes articles describing events or situations that, in their minds seem reasonable, but actually makes the author/subject seem petty. An article Lindy West did a few years back about her experience getting on an airplane come to mind.

Translation - “I’m awesome, I’m always right, ALWAYS and don’t you tell me otherwise! I also expect nothing but perfection from the men I deem worthy of my presence, b/c I’m also perfect in any way. Have I told you that I’m never wrong about anything? Compromise is not for me, let THEM compromise to me, since