The Beekless Timeline

After “The Americans” and “Rectify” the Emmys pretty much lost all meaning to me. It’s highly unlikely Bloom will even be nominated.

This is probably my favorite season since Asylum. They did a decent job with the characters this time around. I mean Hotel sure was pretty, but it was the music video kind of pretty (which was only fitting given who the lead was at the time, but still) - all style and very little substance.

Bebe being full of shit (also insane) is a much easier explanation.

“Overstuffed and a little slow” might as well be this show’s permanent tagline. I still love it though.

This used to be my #1 TV source of everything. Now I just come here to laugh at SJW clickbait trash. Sure, let’s equate a director challenging an actress and going off-script (literally something that she will have to do all the fucking time assuming that’s not the last time anyone employs her) to a guy allegedly

Netflix money would be better spent on the 4th season of Twin Peaks anyway. Robin Wright can play whoever.

People might not want to spend more time on this show tbh. I wasted enough time watching this and I’m just glad AVC isn’t praising it just because it’s Transparent, but I really don’t have much to say about the season.

I’ve finished season 4 of Transparent. It’s not Orville-level bad, but it’s pretty bad. When someone like Sarah Pfefferman is the least annoying character on a TV show then it might be time for an intervention. And by intervention I mean cancellation.

Feels weird to read this after enjoying the hell out of her performance in episode 17. People are strange.

She could play Tammy's sister on Twin Peaks. Holy shit, I just wrote that randomly and now I actually want it.

Absolutely. He takes part in weekly TP discussions so he is certainly watching. No doubt he has plenty to say about it (heck, who doesn't?).

I don't bother with the recaps anymore, I only come for the comments section. I have fond memories of the times when we used to bitch about 3rd-rate unpopular TV shows getting mediocre coverage. These days I actually miss PDN.

But Russians were one of the nations on the Ark. So they are probably going with the "Russian grounders found Baikonur, went into space and built a civilization there" route.

They just liked the actor a lot. Jasper was originally supposed to die in the Pilot. They also filmed him committing suicide in last year's finale, but that was cut from the episode.

Spartacus got pretty close.

If the CW could get him to direct some episodes of Flash or Supergirl that could be a lot of fun. But perhaps he would be a better fit for Riverdale if they want to go creepier next season.

Thank you for your kind words and have a great 2017 as well! Those assholes didn't deserve to have you and I hope your current job is great.

I cried a bit watching this. Proper manly tears. I'm not ashamed. I lost my job of almost ten years today and by the end of the finale I was smiling like a damn fool. All you really need is a hope for tomorrow, and Rectify nailed that.

Svetlana is pretty much the only character that is fun to watch and isn't stuck in the perpetual Gallagher loop of doom. If they write her out for good I will finally be free from this godforsaken show.

What was even that one woman show we'd heard so much about? That one song? Is it a one person show when you just come out on stage, tell something about yourself and sing a song?