The Beekless Timeline

I don't think it's sexist, it's just rude.

> Her fling with a man, A MAN, in the nightclub is completely left unaddressed

> YES. I can't wait to chat with other folks toward the end of the season
about how the season in particular has no apparent focused narrative or
character development versus the previous two seasons.
> This season let me down in surprising ways

Is that 3x06 "The Open Road"? I liked it the most.

"Playtest" and "Hated By The Nation" have been the weakest for me as well. The former takes forever to get to the lame reveal in the end. The latter feels like an episode of The X-Files that traveled in time from the 90s.

I honestly don't think the twist is that important. It was never about them runing his life because he did something bad. It was about them ruining his life because they could.

That's precisely how I felt about the White Bear grade. I might have enjoyed other episodes more, but it's the one that I will never be able to forget. It's something that you watch for the first time and think "do I want to unsee this or do I just not want to think the thoughts that it makes me think because I'd

> but given that the show is kicking off its second season finale on October 10

So in one year AVC went from covering literally EVERYTHING including garbage like "Finding Carter" to not even being able to keep covering one of its all-time favorites? Man, Todd really got out just in time.

That really doesn't make him an asshole. Existing international deals is a huge pain in the ass when it comes to picking up shows that were canceled elsewhere. Marvel and ABC should be blamed for that (mostly Marvel though).

Tumblr is leaking into the outside world again.

Arya's entire story arc this season is lazy writing. And I'm not even sure we can call having the shit beaten out of her on a weekly basis a story arc.

Are you implying I could have been kissing brides all those years while not having to spend money on rose water?

Ah, the random moments of pride for the motherland.

Thirteen is currently the only S3 episode with an A-level grade. And deservedly so IMO, regardless of how disappointed I was with Lexa's boring random death. It says more about S3 than it does about 3x07 really.

> Why couldn't they just write it so Sinclair was captured too?

If anything I hated season 3 way more than I disliked seasons 4 and 5. The latter two were basically a reboot with an (almost) entirely new cast. They were hit and miss (mostly miss), but they did deliver some terrific hours of television. Most importantly they didn't make anything worse.

I would gladly host that party but I won't even bother with a costume and will just tell everyone I'm a character from one of the latest seasons of Teen Wolf. I won't even have to tell a name - nobody remembers their names.

That would take days then. I fucking hate Bellamy now. I don't want a redemption arc, I don't want death by a thousand knives, I don't want any big drama with Clarke mourning over poor misguided Bellamy who murdered hundreds of people in their sleep because a new guy said it's what they should do.

There is no shame in that. F-graded reviews are why we are here after all. They deserve to be celebrated and it's not a proper celebration if you restrain yourself.