The Beekless Timeline

Yeah, the medical stuff was laughable. But the whole "a random victim's boyfriend finishes off wounded Sam so that Dean would not waste any second trying to save him" plot was pretty impressive.

"Baby" was an instant classic for me. The idea that a show in its 11th season can produce an episode that I would proudly recommend to anyone who has never seen the show makes me proud to be a fan of said show.

This season has been great. Please bring back regular coverage. Thank you.

I think Supernatural is better in this regard. It's still able to say "fuck you, we're going to do stuff you won't like and you will have to deal with it". They are killing characters left and right and Arrow seems to be incapable of doing that.

Tumblrinas may be going mad in their SJW rage about Jason Rothenberg being an evil homophobic racist who kills LGBT and POC characters left and right on his awful CW show, but if anything this scene actually proves how worthy Lincoln was as a character on that show and how great The 100 is when it comes to

It might be so, but "homophobic" is simpy incorrect here. A bi male person can become a subect of biphobia upon entering a relationship with a woman and vice versa.

I had to use a mail forwarding service to ship my Veronica Mars, The Wire and Firefly DVDs to Russia. Amazon won't even let you pay for international delivery because of the licensing crap. Of those three titles only Firefly was legally available in the country at that moment and there was no English track on the DVD.

Please. Most of those illegal downloads are performed by people outside of US who are not able to watch the show legally anyway. She might want to refrain from saying stuff like "you don’t have to know calculus to do the math" when talking about things she clearly knows nothing of.

Felicity is literally cancer.

That's basically my every Sunday.

She was recurring, you mean.

This show is basically him, Duchovny and Anderson at this point. The latter two trust him completely and they seem to be good friends, so I imagine the network would rather fire a writer who'd dare challenge Carter than bother with establishing control over what he does in that writers room.

I have no idea how it can be interpreted this way. How can it be a good thing in Bellamy's mind?

Carter's main achievement was assembling a decent team of people who were (and still are) much better at writing scripts than he is. Which is precisely why having him write 3 out of 6 scripts for the new season was such a terrible idea.

Chris Carter was always like that. This is a man who wrote the script for the second X-Files movie that was about evil gay Russian scientists who harvested organs of the American folk just because they were gay, Russian and evil.

"What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell cocaine".

Don't forget that Lori (the person who kidnapped Carter as a child) actually kidnapped her twice. Season 1 ends with her drugging Carter (!) and escaping with her unconscious body from a cafe that is supposedly SURROUNDED by the police. Since they left through the back door I'm not sure the police on this show knows

They didn't specify what happened to him yet. Michael (the archangel who was wearing Adam's meatsuit) was mentioned in the last episode and it seems like hell destroyed him completely. Lucifer says that Michael is mostly "sitting in a corner singing show tunes and touching himself".

Supernatural made a point of referencing this show last week. They got their own Lucifer (played by Mark Pellegrino) who tries to get out of hell in Sam Winchesters meatsuit to help defeat God's sister (it's season 11, you see) who is a massive attention whore and is slaughtering Christian folks just to see if her big

The most important thing (IMO) about The X-Files was that it did so many things first. It paved the way. Scully was my fucking hero. Skinner was the boss I would imagine myself working for when I grew up. So many episodes were unprecedented for a TV show and highly experimental. There are so many things I still see on