The Beekless Timeline

> Jana and Gina argue over the fanciness of FBI. Watch in horror as Jana stabs Gina with a kitchen knife and then spits on fallen body. Watch as Gina collapses in pool of blood. See Jana return to the kitchen and serve her children pizza. Wonder how many minutes are left. Cry that there are more than 30 left.

Which episode is that?

> Perhaps if you look a little deeper into the nuance and stopped trying to hate the show you might enjoy it

AVC covering this show is one of the most inexplicable wonders of online media. And we can probably replace "inexplicable" with "unnecessary".

I wish AVC would review Skins as a classic series. I miss the first and the third generations profoundly, however flawed the latter might be. And I would probably even rewatch some of the better episodes of the second generation.

> However, it remains to be seen if any of those aforementioned people who have given up on Game Of Thrones will actually buy his argument.

Wasn't AVC considering dropping Teen Wolf coverage a season ago? You know, that show that is popular on AVC and was actively discussed every week? I can't possibly imagine how the coverage of this trainwreck can be justified unless Joshua is doing it for free which would be a waste of both his time and talent.

Nor would I ever want to.

Alison is ready for that spin-off now. Then again, she was born ready.

Darin Morgan is on board, so he is the MVP for me. I don't care about Carter episodes either. We all know they will be there, but the only thing I want from him at this point is to not ruin other people's good work.

Dormer made The Tudors watchable for a while. She deserves all the praise in the world.

My nose starts bleeding whenever the Sand Snakes appear because none of them can act.

She actually could, if only for leaving the stage during the lip sync.

> Did the show ever get good enough for this major fan response to make sense?

My dreams, my dreams, my dreams!

Just another day in Paris.

There are people who don't like "Fly"? Good thing I stay away from fandoms.

That's basically what Hearthstone was invented for.

Don't forget the "I didn't sleep for two months because they killed mah daddy" makeup.

> Nicola Peltz is a fine actor