The Beekless Timeline

I thought the grandma scene was a massive letdown. It was short and nothing really happened. All the build-up was for naught because for some reason TPTB refuse to find someone who would speak Russian for Keri Russell so that Nadezhda could have an actual conversation with her dying mother.

I sure hope killing him and Paige will be Henry's first assignment. Or Kimberly's.

Moms want some action too.

Isn't being creepy and inappropriate in the job description?

Life of crime.

By 2 or 3 numbers? Ouch.

Why would we need even more proof that Emmy voters don't know a damn thing about good television? He already wasn't nominated for "Martial Eagle". THAT was the last motherfucking straw.

It gets slightly better in season 2. Season 3 is mostly bad. Season 4 is just shit.

Getting rid of Dawn Ostroff was the best decision CBS (or whoever) could've made.

There is nothing irrational in hating Dawn Ostroff. She wasn't just stupid, she was terrible at her job and completely clueless about how idiotic (and offensive) her "the CW is a network for girls and girls lurve shiny glittery soapy school dramas with dreamy boys" approach was.

Well, there was one Amazon pilot and also that shitty Those Who Kill remake. It was basically the Lifetime version of The Following. Hilarious and retarded.

AV Club: Coven.

They are investing in genre television. It pays off. I'm pretty sure they also get decent money selling them overseas and via digital distribution. It's one thing to watch a mediocre generic soap opera/procedural show live, but paying your hard-earned bucks for it on iTunes is very different. And I assume they got a

> Who died and made them King?! Oh NBC died

Crowley is.

About two seasons to fully understand what's going on.

I got nothing against more Asian characters on Looking (or anywhere else for that matter), but I have no idea how one might find Malik to be a better developed character than Owen.

My theory is that Bradley was supposed to die earlier, but TPTB had thought that it was too soon, so they kept making bullshit excuses for her to stay around, but ultimately got bored of it and just wrote her off for season 2. Now, with Norman more out of control (yet more self-conscious) than ever, they are bringing

I am awaiting Bradley's return in horror. She is by far the worst character on the show played by the least talented cast member. Why would anyone think it'd be a good idea to bring her back is beyond my understanding.

How are they going to do that? I mean, seriously. There are less than 400 Mountain Men and there are thousands of the Grounders. Most of Mountain Men are absolutely useless in combat, let's say maybe 50 of them can shoot and are physically capable of fighting. It still gives them zero chance against the Grounders.