The Beekless Timeline

Imagining that made me think of Cenobites for some reason. Now I want another Hellraiser with Pinhead torturing his victims with bad TV.

You mean Low Winter Sun?

We need to discuss if we can actually consider "mildly offensive trash" a genre.

That's what the plus is for.

Good luck bringing Sonia back now that she knows what freedom feels like.

How are people who got 90210 on their resume even allowed to work anymore? Whenever I feel down I find scenes out of that show on youtube and laugh to the point when I can't anymore.

Someone nailed it in the other thread comparing that show to Low Winter Sun. Some bad shows are at least funny. Turn is like a bleak post-apocalyptic world where there is no air left to breathe, just boredom.

I never saw it as dark, I mostly saw it as poorly-written. The majority of the storylines in season 6 are either recycled stories from the past seasons or just plain mediocre ideas dragged for way too long.

I've got to admit I disliked season 6 a lot. I get why some people would move the show to their "maybe later" list.

Is it "Zombies matter here" now?

AMC seems to insist on buying the cheapest stuff to save money and then presenting it in the most pretentious way possible.

This show is my first love. That movie was terrible. It is all I have to say.

This was honestly the worst episode of Hannibal ever. At least Beverly got a decent send-off. Here they brought back a long-gone character who nobody cared about (and hardly anyone wanted to see again) to fuck up everything that has been so good all season.

How could you sleep peacefully when your daughter is a lesbian?! You have betrayed our Lord who only wants penises in your daughters vagina!

They are still in the recycle bin, but nobody knows how to get there from the new Start screen. The second coming is thus postponed until the next major Windows 8 update.

Shitloads of insects and smaller animals were on board illegally. Not to mention the germs.

He'd man up and be strong like Sonia.

That's not bullshit. In the past two years numerous ad agency and PR firm departments inside of Russia had been revealed to do this kind of stuff. People who'd post comments are regularly recruited via, a popular RU/CIS social network.

Most of those comments are posted by staff members of Russian PR firms on government contracts. Most likely only a few of those are actually stupid people. I got no idea which is worse though.

It is ridiculous how low the expectations are for this show now.